
Access Denied You don't have permission to access

mikep1998 opened this issue · 0 comments

I have been using SeleniumBasic and successfully accessing this website and scraping the data. But after using it a month it stopped working with

You don't have permission to access "http://online.bankofthewest.com/BOW/Login.aspx" on this server.
Reference #18.3d7a4217.1647730167.dda5eb9
I'm using the chromedriver ver 99
Running this in an Excel macro.
I can still login with chrome and everything works so the site is not blocking my login.
But when I use seleniumbasic to login I get this error. If I go into debug mode and after the seleniumbasic has created the chrome browser and I try to manually login I get the same error.
I have uninstalled seleniumbasic, chromedriver and then reinstalled but the error persists. 
I have also clear the cache, cookies. Set the chrome settingssecurity to "No protection (not recommended)" 

This is the code snippet I'm using
```    With chrome
        .SetProfile "C:\Users\mikep\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Default"

        .Timeouts.ImplicitWait = 5000 ' 5 seconds
        .Window.SetSize 1616, 868
        .Window.SetPosition 1580, 1

        .Get "https://online.bankofthewest.com/BOW/Login.aspx"
        '#contentarea > p > a
        If .IsElementPresent(by.Css("#contentarea > p > a")) Then
            .FindElementByCss("#contentarea > p > a").Click
        End If
        .FindElementById("ctlSignon_UserIdTextBox", 5000).SendKeys ("userid")
        .FindElementById("ctlSignon_PasswordTextBox", 5000).SendKeys ("password")
        .FindElementById("ctlSignon_LogOnButton", 5000).Click

I have also tried changing the profile location without any success.

Again this code worked for about a month the started failing.
Also I have used Seleniumbasic to login to 6 different website to get data. Which all worked for about a month but now none of the websites work. They all fail with some sort of permission errors.
Any Ideas?
