
Can't locate frame

Ivan2Hsu opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, All
I'm writing some automation tool by VBA + SeleniumBasic. But for one website, I can't locate the frame by these codes.
Can anyone help?

Codes with Error
cd.SwitchToFrame 0
cd.SwitchToFrame (0)
cd.SwitchToFrame ("shell")
cd.SwitchToFrame "shell"

Original HTML Code

{html data-ng-app="xxxxxx"}
{body ng-cloak}


*********** Here's the frame **************
{div id="shell"}
{div data-ng-include="'./app/xxxxx/layout/shell.html'"}{/div}
*********** Frame End *********************
{script src="./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"}{/script}