
Is it working on Windows Server 2012?

Delphima opened this issue · 2 comments

I have followed the video of www.wiseowl.com to install SeleniumBasic on my desktop Windows 10 + Excel 2016 and made some scraping code, which is working as expected. The issue happens when I run the Excel file at VPS with Windows Server 2012 + Excel 2013, the code is not working anymore. The error occurs as below:

I'm sure the SeleniumBasic v2.0.9.0 has been installed correctly to 'C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic'
And the correct version of 'ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.74, chromedriver_win32.zip', has been extracted to the above directory.
And I didn't forget to make a reference to Selenium Type Library, in VBE menu Tools -> References

Please advise, if I should do anything else to make it run correctly.

This issue has been discussed by post: danwagnerco/selenium-vba#166
Install .net Framework 3.5, will fix this problem.