MyMumb - Panel
* Apache 2 or newer with mod_rewrite enabled
* PHP 5.5 or newer
* Zeroc ICE
Installation of Zeroc ICE
First you need to install Zeroc Ice:
apt-get install php-zeroc-ice
Now you have to enable the library for PHP and add the Library itself to the include Path of PHP.
You can do this in the 20-IcePHP.ini This file should be located in the /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/ directory
Enabling mod_rewrite
You can enable the mod_rewrite by typing :
a2enmod rewrite
It's not finished yet, you must change your vhost configuration. You must turn the AllowOverride to 'All'
Murmur Configuration
Before continuing you must configure murmur to use Ice.
Now you need to set the Settings in Mumble itself so the Webinterface and Server can communicate. You can do this in the mumble-server.ini found in the folder /etc/ (This should be the case on Debian and Ubuntu when installing via apt-get)
Change this only if the Mumble Server is on a different Server.
ice="tcp -h -p 6502"
It is necessary to set a password for the ice connection
icesecretwrite=<your password>
Panel Configuration
Now open
and edit it as you want
$MyConfig['default_host'] = ''; //Ip of your Mumble Server. If its the same Server no need to change it.
$MyConfig['default_port'] = 6502; //The Port of your Mumble Server
$MyConfig['ICE_Password'] = 'icesecret'; //The Password used in the mumble-server.ini
$MyConfig['default_language'] = 'en_EN'; //Change the Language currently supported en_EN fr_FR de_DE
Three languages are available, English (en_EN), German (de_DE) and French (fr_FR).
Now you need to change which Murmur.php you are using. Since you already are in the inc directory change the Name of the Murmur ICE X.X.X.php which is aplicable for your version of ICE to Murmur.php
Most users should be able to use the 3.4.2 one. If that login wont work try the 3.5.1 instead.
If both are not working and you have a different ICE Version then 3.4.2 or 3.5.1 you have to create the Murmur.php manually. This can be done on Linux this way:
You have to change the sections for the ICE Version to fit your directorys and needs.
Change to the inc directory where this README is located.
cp /usr/share/murmur/
slice2php -I/usr/share/Ice-3.5.1/slice/ --ice
(The Path for Ice could differ here. Use the one which fits you. Please leave the -I at the beginning since it specifies the Input)
After that
You now should have a in your folder.
Delete the old Murmur.php or rename it to the Version before and change the Name of your newly created murmur_*.ice.php to Murmur.php
You should now be able to login.
Thanks for this to shmap from the mumb1e forums. Source: