
My solutions for the one billion row challenge

Primary LanguagePHP

1 Billion Row Challenge in PHP

This is my solution for the 1 billion rows challenge (https://1brc.dev), in PHP.

Create measurements.txt file :

php createMeasurements.php {number of reccords}

If you do have php installed locally but have docker, use ./phpd instead of php to run the command dockerized.

Run with Xdebug or the JIT

Build the docker image that contains the two extensions: docker build --tag "1brc" .. This builds the 1brc:latest image locally.

Use the phpd script by passing it PHP configuration directives with the -d option.


  • Profile with Xdebug: ./phpd -d="xdebug.mode=profile" calculateAverage_v4.php 1M 5
  • Enable the JIT: ./phpd -d="xdebug.mode=off" -d="opcache.enable_cli=1" -d="opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M" calculateAverage_v4.php 10M 5


The script run via the php:8.3-cli docker image on Ubuntu 24.04 that itself run in a VM on Windows 10.
CPU speed is 3.5Ghz per real core.

version Description Total time lines / ms Peak memory usage
1 The first, naive version 112s for 100M rows 893 792 Kb
2 Replace usage of fgetcsv by fgets 37s for 100M rows 2660 792 Kb
3 Optimize the body of the loop that reads the data to have less array access 25s for 100M rows 4000 804 Kb
4 Use a object instead of array to hold the data 23s for 100M rows 4250 684 Kb
4.1 Same script as above but with the JIT enabled 19s for 100M rows 5250 621 Kb