
Restriction site fitter for TD2 M1 Molecular and Celullar Biology UGA

Primary LanguageHTML


R code
Restriction site fitter for TD2 M1 Molecular and Celullar Biology UGA

Contains the following:

+RMD file with kniter functions (RS_fitter)
+R file with only the functions (restriction_site_fitter)
+txt file with exercise original text
+HTML file with knitted RMD file
+PDF file with the printable version of the html file

TD2 exercise 3:
Introduce in each sequence a restriction site in order to clone it in the proper Open Reading Frame (ORF) and right orientation

Finds, given a list of restriction site enzimes and their given sequences, the aligned sites for cutting, respecting the ORF and the triplets configurations, for 1, 2, 3 or any bp substitutions.

Author: Alberto Florez