
Exercism exercises in Lua.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


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Exercism exercises in Lua

Setup dev environment for contributing

Install Lua, Luarocks, and the Busted testing framework according to the installation instructions for your platform.

To contribute a patch you will need a GitHub account and you will need to fork the exercism/lua repo to your account. Clone your fork with the command: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/lua. Create your patch and open a pull request to the exercism/lua repo.

See the GitHub Help for forking a repo and creating a pull request if you are unfamiliar with this process.

To contribute a new exercise, create a folder named after the exercise within the lua/exercises directory. Create your files for a new test, test class and the implementation.

For example, for the Bob exercise:

$ tree bob
├── bob_spec.lua
└── bob.lua

0 directories, 2 files

Run the test

$ busted

Rename bob.lua to example.lua, and add the exercise to the lua/config.json file.

$ tree bob
├── bob_spec.lua
└── example.lua

0 directories, 2 files

Contributing Guide

Please be familiar with the contributing guide in the docs repository. This describes some great ways to get involved. In particular, please read the Pull Request Guidelines before opening a pull request.

Other Resources

Pleases see the Useful Lua Resources page.

Lua icon

The Lua icon is inspired by the Lua logo, which was designed by Alexandre Nakonechnyj.