This is a todo.txt compatible task-shell, providing you with rudimentary functions, by now.
To build the software, after being checked out, you need following prerequisites:
- Java 8 JDK
- Maven 3 in a recent version
Before you can build the project you need to add the command line library cliche to your local maven repository. If you have a Mac or Linux System you will find a proper script in the directory build-helpers.
On Windows you will have to do these steps manually.
Then you can build the software with mvn clean install -Ppackage This call will give you a executable fat-jar under frontend/target.
To run the software you need a folder containing three textfiles named todo.txt, done.txt and contexts.txt. They will store your data. You are currently not able to add new contexts using the programm, so you have to make these entries on your own. One context per line, with a leading @-sign in front and no spaces, for Example: @Home .
Then you will be able to start the programm with:
java -jar frontend/target/occlusion-frontend-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar path/to/taskfolder
With ?list you get a list of all possible commands.