Entwickler:innen gesucht - sag uns Bescheid, wenn du mitmachen willst unter https://t.me/joinchat/Bt0tohxTyP9GeS7aJJFgdQ
developers wanted - let us know if you want to contribute at https://t.me/joinchat/Bt0tohxTyP9GeS7aJJFgdQ
Die Skeipe - die online Eckkneipe | the online corner pub
Die Skeipe bringt deine Bar in den digitalen Raum. Sie it so etwas wie Homeoffice für den/die Barkeeper:in. Die Funktion von Kneipen geht weit über das Liefern von Alkohol hinaus. Sie sind auch nicht nur Orte des Rausches, sondern erfüllen soziale Funktionen in unserer Gesellschaft, die nun bedingt durch die Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Covid-19 wegfallen. skei.pe will einen Teil dieser Funktionen durch digitale Technologie vorübergegend ersezten.
The Skeipe brings your bar into the digital space. It's like home office for the bartender. The function of pubs goes far beyond the delivery of alcohol. They are not only places of intoxication, but also fulfill social functions in our society, which are now being eliminated due to the protective measures against Covid-19. skei.pe aims to temporarily replace some of these functions with digital technology.
from here on in english
online meeting rooms associated to bars that exist in the real world strict BYOB - bring-your-own booze policy ;)
multiple tables corresponding to conference rooms
webpage that shows available tables and who is sitting there
barkeeper function aka moderator
best drink and best dress awards on a per evening basis
a bar/Tresen for those that just pass by
jitsi based (videoserver vs. meet? vs something else)
to be derived from the whishlist
developers wanted - let us know if you want to contribute