
Primary LanguageTypeScript

To Do app

Simple to do app using Django and Angular

This app allow you to retrieve, create, update and delete tasks


The only dependencies needed to run this app are Docker and Docker Compose


To use this app:

  • Clone this repository
  • Run the following command docker-compose up

A sqlite database will automatically be created, migrations will be applied and a superuser will be created.

The Django rest API is served here: http://localhost:8000

You can log into the admin page (http://localhost:8000/admin) using the admin user (user: admin, password: testpass123)

The Angular SPA is served here: https://localhost:4200

Things to improve


The app is not production ready. Need to be serve using a production web server like gunicorn.

Add environement variable instead of hard coded info (secret keys, debug, CORS...)

The app does not use https

Use websocket to push newly created task to clients


Handle error during http requests (currently just logged into the console)

The app is not production ready. Need to be built and serve over a web server (like Nginx)

Add environement variable instead of hard coded API urls

Use polling or even better, websocket to retrieve created task by other clients without refreshing the page

Use a store management library instead to store the states instead of using the todo-list components. After some research, NGXS or NGRX should do the job