WordPress Meetup Stuttgart

Prepare (Flo)

  1. Start Docker
  2. Install WordPress

Plugin file (Matthias)

  1. Plugin Header
  2. Namespace
  3. In WordPress: activate Plugin

Custom Post Type (Flo)

  1. Namespace
  2. function register_podcast_cpt()
  3. function init()
    1. What is an action

Plugin file (Matthias)

  1. function init()
  2. Add CPT include & WMSP\CPT\init() call
  3. In WordPress: Show Podcast Menu/List View

Editor (Flo)

  1. Add new Podcast
    1. Add Enclosure URL as post-meta (wmsp_enclosure)
  2. Publish
  3. Show Post

Frontend (Matthias)

  1. function add_player (without before & after)
  2. function init
    1. Explain filters
  3. Show Frontend with embedded player
  4. Add Frontend include & WMSP\Frontend\init() call

Admin (Flo)

  1. function register_settings() (without sanitize)
  2. function field()
  3. sanitize
  4. function init()
  5. Add Admin include & WMSP\Admin\init() call
  6. Open Settings/change Settings

Frontend (Matthias)

  1. Implement before & after code in function add_player
  2. Show frontend
  3. Change Settings and show changed result in frontend

Frontend (Flo)

  1. Add styling function enqueue_style()
  2. Explain wp_enqueue_style
  3. Add and explain wp_enqueue_scripts to init
  4. Show frontend/archive

Endpoint (optional) (Matthias)

  1. function register_rest_endpoint()
  2. Explain register_rest_route
  3. function list_podcasts() without filter
  4. Show output with missing "enclosure"
  5. Add and explain apply_filters
  6. function extend_posts_data
  7. Show filtered output