
Computational Intelligence Lab project at ETH Zurich.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Computational Intelligence Lab project

The goal of Collaborative Filtering (CF) is to predict a user’s unknown rating for a certain item, based on its own available ratings for other items, and the preferences of other users. In this project we focused on two approaches to CF: latent factor models and neighborhood models. The methods we implemented include: Average-over-items, Average-over-users, SVD with dimension reduction, ALS, kNN and NMF. We got the best results with an improved version of SVD, referred to as SVD+. Compared to the basic SVD with dimension reduction, this gained a 7.66% improvement on the Kaggle public dataset.


report.pdf          -- paper describing our approaches
/data               -- given training data      
/papers             -- literature about CF and recommender systems
/predictions_csv    -- obtained predictions (kaggle submissions)
/src                -- implemented ML models

The files in the src-folder can be divided into three categories, namely baseline algortihms, novel solutions and data handler files.

basline algorithms:

  • average_over_items.ipynb
  • average_over_users.ipynb
  • SVD_basic.ipynb
  • ALS.ipynb
  • KNN_basic.ipynb
  • NMF.ipynb

novel solutions:

  • SVD_improved.ipynb
  • Deep_collaborative_filtering directoy

data handler files:

  • data_handler.py
  • surprise_extensions.py


To run the code, it is recommended to first run the following instructions:

Create a virtual environment:

virtualenv --python=python3 <venv-name>  
source \<venv-name\>/bin/activate

Install required packages inside it:

cd \<path-where-requirements-file-is-located\>  
pip install -r requirements.txt