
Web Scraping Mineral Data from Wikipedia (CS50P Final Project)

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Web Scraping Mineral Data from Wikipedia (CS50P Final Project)

In my final project of the CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python online course from Harvard / edx, I am scraping mineral data from Wikipedia using BeautifulSoup, requests and regular expressions.


I wanted a list with mineral data including chemistry and Strunz class that can be used with a free license. I couldn't find anything like that on the web.


The script crawls the links in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minerals and collects the following data (as long it can find it), cleans it and saves it to minerals.csv:

  • name (title on Wikipedia)
  • url (on Wikipedia)
  • category
  • chemistry as plain text
  • chemistry as html
  • IMA Symbol
  • Strunz class
  • crystal system
  • crystal class (as text, point group, H-M symbol, respectively)
  • color
  • cleavage
  • Mohs scale
  • streak
  • Specific gravity
  • luster
  • habit
  • varieties
  • summary (first paragraph on Wikipedia)

The second output file varieties.csv contains the basic info about varieties found on the list of minerals.

Data cleaning

The script cleans the data slightly:

  • Remove footnotes
  • Remove linebreaks
  • Remove links, any <style> and <span> tags and any attributes class="foo" and style="bar" in the "chemistry html" field
  • Remove {\displaystyle ... } from alt attribute of img
  • If "crystal class" data was within "crystal system" (i.e. not in a seperate table cell), move it to "crystal class".
  • Move point group symbol / H-M symbol from "crystal class" into separate columns. On Wikipedia, this is usually in the form of "Prismatic (2/m)" or "4/mmm - Ditetragonal dipyramidal". I don't catch deviations.
  • On Wikipedia, Strunz class may contain extra info such as "9.DG.05 (10 ed) 8/F.18.40 (8 ed)". Only return valid Strunz classes, using the latest edition.


  • For most data the script relies on the existance of an info-box: On Wikipedia sites without info-box, most data fields will be empty.
  • Sometimes wikipedia uses svg images for formulas or crystal class, the script only gets the alt attribute of the img and that might be useless and broken.
  • Fields with numbers may be cluttered with additional text and can't be simply converted to int. Examples: Mohs scale of "2 - 3 - Gypsum-Calcite" or "3+1⁄2", gravity of "3.859 calculated; 3.8–3.9 measured".
  • Beware of "cubic or tetragonal" etc. in crystal class.
  • Messy data: Crystal class may be "Ditetragonal dipyramidal 4/mmm (4/m 2/m 2/m) -" or "Unknown space group" or even "aluminium arsenite".
  • Major changes on Wikipedia might break the script.


A version of the resulting minerals.csv is included in the repository. Feel free to use it under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Data © Wikipedia editors and contributors.


  • BeautifulSoup
  • requests


Run in the terminal:

python project.py

Unit tests

For unit tests, run:

pytest test.project.py

Note that the file andradite.html is used by the tests.


The source code is under MIT license, the scraped data is © Wikipedia editors and contributors, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.



Parses Wikipedias List of Minerals with BeautifulSoup, calls extract_minerals() or extract_varieties() to extract links, calls get_mineral() on each mineral link and saves results to CSV.


Helper function to be used on Wikipedias List of Minerals to decide whether extract_minerals() or extract_varieties() should be called.

Returns True if the ul is preceded by dl tag. On the wikipedia list of minerals, the lists of varietes are preceded by:

<dl><dd>Varieties that are not valid species:</dd></dl>


Extract all links to mineral wikipedia sites from an html <ul> list and returns them as a python list.


Extract varieties data from Wikipedias list of minerals.


Get html with request, parse it with BeautifulSoup, process it by calling mineral_data() and return mineral as dict.


Get the data from the html of a Wikipedia mineral site; notably from the info box with a call to get_infobox_value(). Also clean the data.


Takes a html tag such as <th>, searches for the corresponding <td> tag and returns the value within this tag.


Get varieties from infobox, return list.


Get cleaned version of the chemistry as HTML.


Helper function used by get_chemistry_html().

Return empty string if tag has class="reference", return text of <a>, else decode tag and return result.


Return cleaned version of first paragraph of the Wikipedia article.


Take list of dictionaries and turn it into a string that can be used in CSV files. Used for varieties.