'As a response to the development of jolla, I left sailfish os development. Feel free to fork SailGrande.'
An unoffical Instagram client for Sailfish currently broken due nonfunctional client id.
Current features:
- Show own feed with posts
- Show current popular posts
- Show posts for a specific tag
- A startpage containing a preview for all three of them (own feed, popular and tag posts)
- Show details for a picture/video : Count of likes and comments and the most recent comments.
- Watch videos
- Like a picture/video or remove your previous like
- Open user profiles
- Show media feed for user
- Follow/Unfollow users
- Show own followers or followed users
There is no commenting and there is no upload feature yet.
You will need an existing account in Instagram, because you can not create a new one with the public instagram apis.
Sourcecode (but not the icons on AboutPage) is released under the terms of the MIT License (MIT).