Chat Leaderboard

This is a project I built during a series of streams. This will take the messages from the chat and check them based on some keywords and attribute points to the most active people in chat.

See the leaderboard live:


[x] Get messages (and data) from the page [x] Save the data somewhere [x] Play with the data

Future todos

[x] Check how to bypass the headless issue of Browser not being the newer version (check by using your own Brave)

User/App flow

  1. User sends a messages in the chat
  2. The message will be checked by the app to see if on of the conditions is applied:
    • #earlygang
    • #lategang
    • #secretkey
    • #bonuspoint (this will be awarded manually by me)
  3. If there is a point to be given the message + user + point will be stored
  4. User can check a public leaderboard w/ the scores
  5. I can delete the leaderboard whenever I want (cuz I'm the boss 😎) - mostly at the end of the month when the winners are choosen