Cucumber tests for Kubernetes.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Resilient Cloud Native Infrastructure Testing (RCNIT)

This project is a set of Cucumber tests for Kubernetes.

RCNIT aims to make a robust cloud-native infrastructure through testing Kubernetes.

Java code written by an amateur programmer.


Demo of the Cucumber tests in action

Please see output.txt for a trimmed console output example of running the TestRunner.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/florinungur/rcnit.git <YOUR-DESIRED-FOLDER>.
  2. Import the repository intro your IDE as a Maven project.
  3. Install JDK 14.
  4. Install minikube.

Step 4 is optional. If you have a Kubernetes cluster already set up, make sure kubectl can access it and there should be no problems. See my other repository that sets up a beefier k8s cluster using kubespray.


This is the configuration I used for running the tests:

  • Default minikube v1.9.0 running on VirtualBox version 6.1.6 r137129 Qt5.6.2
  • Kubernetes v1.18.0 on Docker v19.03.8
  • Windows 10 Pro (v10.0.18363 Build 18363) laptop with 12 gigs of memory

00_validateEnvironment.feature makes sure that the barebones requirements for running the tests are met.

Also, see the pom.xml file for the dependencies required to run this project.


File structure

  • Each used testing tool has its own feature file.
  • The other feature files are personal tests made for individual Kubernetes components.
    • Prefaced by the verb test
  • The feature files are in a certain order because I assume minikube is not configured at the start.
    • Cucumber doesn't allow for order specification in the TestRunner class.
  • The util folder has three classes with several helper methods.

Code logic

The code is verbose, heavily commented, and follows the Google Java Style Guide.

Each Cucumber feature file has its own namespace declared at the beginning of each Java class under NAMESPACE_NAME. (But, remember, not all objects are in a namespace.)

I delete resources used in multiple scenarios at the last step of the last scenario (e.g. the namespace).

I delete resources used in multiple steps at the last step (e.g. the second storage class in the Test the DefaultStorageClass admission controller scenario).

All Kubernetes objects contain the word test to be easily tracked by the get-all kubectl plugin. Usage:

  • kubectl get-all | findstr test (Windows)
  • kubectl get-all | grep test (Linux)

References & Comments

I create a new kubernetesClient every time due to fabric8io/kubernetes-client#1522.

Feature: Validate environment

See 00_validateEnvironment.feature.

This feature assumes a powered-off default minikube installation. This file will start minikube and configure it.

The minikube environment uses the maximum amount of computing power I can allocate on my laptop in order for it to remain useful.

kubectl describe node minikube output:

    cpu:                4
    ephemeral-storage:  16390427417
    memory:             8061172Ki
    pods:               110

There are 9 default pods which cannot be deleted (in the kube-system namespace), so we can only play with 102 pods.

Feature: Test etcd

See 01_testEtcd.feature.

Feature: Test the Kubernetes kubelet

See 02_testKubelet.feature.

Feature: Test the Kubernetes API server

See 03_testKubeApiServer.feature.

I recommend running only the entire feature file.

If you run, for example, the Test the DefaultStorageClass admission controller scenario followed by the Test the LimitRange admission controller scenario, you will get the error:

FAILED! The 'tolerated-claim-test-1' PersistentVolumeClaim was rejected!
Failure executing: POST at: Message: Forbidden! User minikube doesn't have permission. persistentvolumeclaims "tolerated-claim-test-1" is forbidden: Internal error occurred: 2 default StorageClasses were found.

Feature: Test the Kubernetes scheduler

See 04_testKubeScheduler.feature.

Feature: Use k8s-testsuite

See 05_useKubernetesTestSuite.feature.

  • Scenario: Run k8s-testsuite
    • Go to https://github.com/mrahbar/k8s-testsuite to download the repository.
    • The --set arguments used in the helmInstall command make the load-test smaller and thus faster. Otherwise, my machine gets FailedScheduling: Insufficient cpu events.
    • The network test only works on multi-node k8s environments.

Feature: Use Pumba

See 06_usePumba.feature.

Feature: Use Chaos Mesh

See 07_useChaosMesh.feature.

IOChaos can't be implemented yet: chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh#463

There are several other shortcomings with this tool. See the code for more.

  • Scenario Outline: Inject chaos actions
    • Scaling the test pods doesn't have the effect you would expect; see https://github.com/pingcap/chaos-mesh
    • Chaos Mesh actions run on a scheduler (e.g. daily, every 5 minutes, etc.).
    • Leave the time-chaos action last. See code.