AngularJS angular-cancel-on-navigate module

Provides drop-in functionality that cancels HTTP requests when the browser's location is changed.


Prerequisites: an existing AngularJS project of course.

Using Bower:

bower install -S angular-cancel-on-navigate

Or, manually download build/angularCancelOnNavigateModule.js (or the minified version) and place it somewhere in your project.

Then, add the script include in your HTML which of course should point to the right location:

<script src="../bower_components/angular-cancel-on-navigate/build/angularCancelOnNavigateModule.js"></script>

Add the module dependency to the main app module declaration:

  .module('myApp', [


When the module is included, all $http requests are automatically intercepted and a cancel promise is registered when the request its timeout is not specified explicitly. If you want to exclude certain $http calls from this behavior, either provide an explicit timeout, or set the noCancelOnRouteChange property to true in the $http options.