This is a seed project to create a basic scala project as used in the class Software Engineering at the University of Applied Science HTWG Konstanz.
It requires Java 8 on your local platform. The project has
- a folder structure prepared for a MVC-style application
- ScalaTest and as dependency aswell as dependencies to other libraries in the build.sbt (commented out at start).
- scalastyle-sbt-plugin and sbt-scoverage sbt plugins
- .gitignore defaults
The easiest way to create your own project from this seed is
- create an account on github
- navigate to this project on github (https://github.com/markoboger/htwg-scala-seed)
- fork this project on github (button on top right "Fork")
- copy the URL to your fork
- clone the forked project from your local git (git clone ) or IDE (IDEA: File > New > Import from Version Controll > github)
After that, please rename
- the Project name from htwg-scala-seed to
- the the package structure from de.htwg.se.yourgame to de.htwg.se.
- the name of the project in the build.sbt file from htwg-scala-seed to
- the main Class YourGame to
- push to git
- add team partner to your project on github (Settings > Collaborators)
- clone on partners account
- push and pull back and forth
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