
Automatically join multicast groups on all interfaces

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Normally, applications implementing multicast protocols need to join the respective multicast group explicitly using the IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP sokcet option. However, such a join is bound to a specific interface (either determined by the ifindex, the local IP given or a routing-table-based decision (on Linux) depending on the multicast group address if INADDR_ANY is given).

Thus, if interfaces appear/disappear dynamically, an application that wants to handle a given multicast protocol on all interfaces must not only iterate all of them during startup but also continuously track if new interfaces have appeared. Not all applications are written with this amount of dynamicism in mind. The Linux kernel can automatically join multicast groups on a given interface using the autojoin mechanism (see this commit for details), but this might not be available or desirable on a given system.

mc-autojoin is a small utility that watches the set of available network interfaces and joins the supplied IPv4 multicast group(s) on all of them, relieving applications from having to do this on their own (or, in fact, do any special handling to receive multicast packets at all).