A comparison of some web frameworks and libs written in Rust
Pinned issues
- 11
Understanding of the criteria "outdated"?
#154 opened by vgw-chriskruger - 2
I don't think yew is outdated
#171 opened by xfbs - 1
OpenHub links
#149 opened by jayvdb - 1
axum opentelemetry
#148 opened by jayvdb - 1
Add zapper as template engine
#50 opened by pickfire - 10
Add performance benchmark
#47 opened by pickfire - 2
Broken "rustwebapp" demo link
#99 opened by ethagnawl - 1
add ntex-rs
#151 opened by trickster - 2
Add perseus
#159 opened by ezesundayeze - 2
Could you add a comparator `serverless`. For example, to be able to run ssr on cloudflare worker is ✅
#163 opened by Ahidada - 1
add if support http3 and open api
#165 opened by alexnest - 1
Templating libaries: Add colum indicating runtime vs compile time template compilation
#169 opened by LeoniePhiline - 1
Add more client libraries
#170 opened by holly-hacker - 0
- 2
Rocket is active and up-to-date
#164 opened by mhrdq8i - 2
- 1
Add ructe as template engine
#31 opened by jo-so - 2
Add Actix Lua Web
#52 opened by naturallymitchell - 0
- 1
rocket is not stale
#160 opened by Lunarequest - 1
Template Engines: minijinja
#161 opened by g4borg - 1
Seed is unmaintained, perhaps move it to outdated?
#158 opened by Jachdich - 0
- 1
- 1
Rouille is not outdated
#134 opened by ravenexp - 3
Rocket 0.5 was HTTP/2 support
#128 opened by williamdes - 2
Real world app using Rocket
#129 opened by williamdes - 3
Percy is not outdated
#132 opened by AlephAlpha - 1
Add lemmy to web projects, it uses actix.
#86 opened by dessalines - 2
- 2
Additional frontend frameworks
#89 opened by aidanhs - 1
Why Sauron is listed as outdated?
#107 opened by vi - 1
Yew also supports web_sys
#106 opened by ZainlessBrombie - 1
- 3
Is there any backend framework use stable rust?
#92 opened by Delostik - 1
Add tide web framework
#78 opened by rofrol - 2
Dynamic metrics?
#77 opened by ctjhoa - 2
- 2
Add tower-web
#54 opened by rofrol - 0
Add squark
#70 opened by rauchg - 8
Why is Iron marked as deprecated?
#57 opened by xpe - 2
- 2
date and version
#45 opened by Dowwie - 1
nickel: url shortener example
#4 opened by Ryman - 1
Iron is dead, consider to remove it from list
#41 opened by fafhrd91 - 1
Add Thruster
#43 opened by rofrol - 2
Add Gothan example
#32 opened by adelarsq - 0
Add Rocket example
#20 opened by adelarsq - 1
Real-world web projects using Rust In china
#17 opened by erasin - 1
hyper uses solicit for http2
#8 opened by killercup