1. Rails controller refactoring


Rewrite the following Rails Controller for:

  • A better control flow and naming
  • Improve its security


mobile_app attributes are id: Integer, name: String, store_ids: Array


class MobileAppsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :require_authenticated_user
  before_action :find_store
  before_action :find_mobile_app, only: [:show]
  before_action :check_stats_permissions

  def index
    query = MobileAppsService.new(@store)
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { @mobile_apps = query.all }

  def show
    render 'show'

  def create
    @app = MobileAppsService.new(@store).new_app(params[:mobile_app])
    if @app.save
      render 'create'
      render_errors @app

  def update
    @app = MobileApp.find(params[:id])
    if @app.update_attributes(params[:mobile_app])
      render 'create'
      render_errors @app


  def find_store
    @store = Store.find_by(id: params[:store_id])
    render_access_forbidden unless @store

  def check_stats_permissions
    render_access_forbidden unless current_user.has_permissions?(@store)

  def find_mobile_app
    @app = MobileApp.find_by(id: params[:id])
    render_not_found unless @app

2. Write a program

  1. Objective
  2. Technologies used
  3. Specificities
  4. Next steps

Objective :

The main goal is to create a service that would allow us to upload a questionnaire and retrieve its data in JSON format. Form data would need to be validated before being saved

Description :

  • Simple page allowing to upload a yaml file. POST localhost:3000/questionnaires
    (upload file is yaml because it is less verbose than json)
  • Validation on questionnaire format
  • Endpoint to retrieve questionnaire data from its reference. GET localhost:3000/questionnaires/:reference
  • Write at least one test on implemented features
  • Questionnaire example is the following

Technologies :

Ruby on Rails, database choice is free Rspec for unit tests

Specificities :


  • Upload page, GET localhost:3000/questionnaires/new allow to choose which file to upload
  • POST localhost:3000/questionnaires with chosen file
  • If questionnaire is valid, redirect to uplaod page with message L'upload du questionnaire a réussi
  • If questionnaire is not valid redirect to uplad page but display reference of elements that had issues

Element types

  • questionnaire :
    root element, its reference will be used in order to get JSON via GET localhost:3000/questionnaires/:reference.
    Service validate presence of a reference and at least a content
  • slide :
    represents one "page" of questionnaire
    validates, reference, label and one content presence at least
  • text_input :
    validates reference and label presence
  • number_input :
    validates reference and label presence
  • boolean :
    validates reference and label presence
  • single_choice :
    validates reference and label presence, and at least on response element response element validate value and label presence
  • multiple_choice :
    validates reference and label presence, and at least on response element response element validate value and label presence

Questionnaire Validation

  • form must be uploaded as YAML
  • every questionnaire element should have a type
  • only previously describe types are allowed
  • Every element validate what is described previously

Describe in README.md

  • Data storage choices
  • implementation of a versionning feature