
Small HTTP server that updates GitHub commit status checks on GitLab job status webhook events.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small HTTP server that updates GitHub commit status checks when GitLab job status webhook events occur.

With this and git-mirror-docker, you can get the functionality of GitLab.com's "GitHub Integration" (no longer free after 2020) and GitLab EE's "GitHub Integration" using a regular GitLab CE installation.

Image of the GitHub status checks this tool makes

Available Env Vars

  • GH_TOKEN - (required) GitHub personal access token for creating status checks
  • WEBHOOK_SECRET - (required) Pre-shared webhook secret Default: none
  • WEBHOOK_PATH - Path to POST GitLab webhook events to. Default: /.gl-webhook
  • PORT - Port to listen on. Default: 3000

Docker Info

There is a Dockerfile that sets up and runs this service.

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/flotwig/gitlab-ci-github-status-checks

Sample docker run

This sets up the webhook at

docker run -p 12345:3000 \
  --restart=always \
  -e GH_TOKEN=your-personal-access-token \
  -e WEBHOOK_SECRET=your-gitlab-webhook-pre-shared-secret \

Sample docker-compose.yml

⚠ Protip: You can even run this in the same docker-compose.yml as your gitlab-runner and gitlab-ce (and git-mirror-docker) images.

This sets up the webhook at

    image: 'flotwig/gitlab-ci-github-status-checks:latest'
    restart: always
    - '12345:3000'
    - GH_TOKEN=your-personal-access-token
    - WEBHOOK_SECRET=your-gitlab-webhook-pre-shared-secret


  • Commit status checks will be pushed from the original namespace/repo to the same owner/repo on GitHub. So make sure your repos exist and line up.
  • This works best if you're mirroring commits from GitHub to GitLab, so the commit is guaranteed to exist on GitHub by the time the status check is made.