
Efficient and Reliable Go Logging (JSON or TXT)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

dlog - Go logger Go codecov Go Report Card

The dlog package provides a logging framework for Go that formats logs in JSON format, optimised for use with Google Kubernetes, AWS EKS etc. Logs can be easily pushed to Datadog, Google Stackdriver and AWS CloudWatch.

This package provides a simple and efficient way to format logs in a structured way that can be easily parsed by log aggregators and monitoring tools, while still being human-readable. The JSON format also allows for easy searching and filtering of logs, making it ideal for managing large-scale deployments.

In addition to the standard logging features, dlog provides additional features like tagging logs with metadata and filtering logs based on log levels. The package is highly customisable and easily integrated into any Go project.

Build on top of Logrus. Log format matches json format of Datadog.


go get github.com/flow-lab/dlog


Basic Usage with JSON formatter

This format is used by default. It is optimised for use with Datadog, Google Stackdriver and AWS CloudWatch.

import (
  log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"


logger := dlog.NewLogger(&dlog.Config{
  AppName:      "myservice",
  Level:        "debug",
  Version:      "0.1.0",
  Commit:       "1234567",
  Build:        "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  ReportCaller: true,

logger.Info("Hello world")
{"appname":"myservice","build":"2020-01-01T00:00:00Z","commit":"1234567","file":"/Users/test/dlog/main_test.go:82","func":"github.com/flow-lab/dlog.TestContextLogger.func2","level":"info","message":"Hello World","timestamp":"2023-01-09T16:17:36+01:00","version":"0.1.0"}

logger := logger.WithField("component", "myprocessor")
logger.Info("Hello world")
{"appname":"myservice","component":"myprocessor","build":"2020-01-01T00:00:00Z","commit":"1234567","file":"/Users/test/dlog/main_test.go:82","func":"github.com/flow-lab/dlog.TestContextLogger.func2","level":"info","message":"Hello World","timestamp":"2023-01-09T16:17:36+01:00","version":"0.1.0"}

Basic Usage with Text formatter

This format is used for local development.

import (
  log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"


logger := dlog.NewLogger(&dlog.Config{
  AppName:      "myservice",
  Level:        "debug",
  Version:      "0.1.0",
  Commit:       "1234567",
  Build:        "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  ReportCaller: false,
  Formatter:    "text", // for local development

logger.Info("Hello World")
logger.Debug("Hello World")
logger.Warn("Hello World")
logger.Error("Hello World")

INFO   [2023-03-12 23:04:11.377Z] Hello World
DEBUG  [2023-03-12 23:04:11.378Z] Hello World
WARNING[2023-03-12 23:04:11.378Z] Hello World
ERROR  [2023-03-12 23:04:11.378Z] Hello World


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub. If you want to contribute code, please open a pull request.


License: MIT