Tools for flow development. Following tools:
REST service to create and maintain new flow projects and flow packages. Code is located in src/bin/ Call ./service_main[.exe] --help for instructions. The executable is located in target/{debug|release}. The config file has the following format:
"wasm-bindgen = \"0.2.87\"",
"serde_json = \"1.0.105\""
All fields are not mandatory. However, it is important that flow_package_folder
is set to a folder with all necessary packages.
Example (Windows Powershell):
.\service_main.exe --config-file config.json
Runs the service with a config file named "config.json".
- /packages/[package_name]: GET (get description of package [package_name])
- /packages/: GET (get all package descriptions)
- /projects/: GET (get all project descriptions), POST (create a new project)
Example (minimal package description)
Example (project description: A timer node regularly triggers a debug node that outputs the number 42)
"name": "flow_project_79",
"version": "1.0.0",
"packages": [
{"name": "flowrs", "version": "1.0.0", "path": "../../../flowrs"},
{"name": "flowrs-std", "version": "1.0.0", "path": "../../../flowrs-std"}
"nodes": {
"debug_node": {
"node_type": "flowrs_std::nodes::debug::DebugNode",
"type_parameters": {"I": "i32"},
"constructor": "New"
"timer_config_node": {
"node_type": "flowrs_std::nodes::value::ValueNode",
"type_parameters": {"I": "flowrs_std::nodes::timer::TimerNodeConfig"},
"constructor": "New"
"timer_token_node": {
"node_type": "flowrs_std::nodes::value::ValueNode",
"type_parameters": {"I": "i32"},
"constructor": "New"
"timer_node": {
"node_type": "flowrs_std::nodes::timer::TimerNode",
"type_parameters": {"T": "flowrs_std::nodes::timer::SelectedTimer", "U": "i32"},
"constructor": "New"
"connections": [
"from_node": "timer_config_node",
"from_output": "output",
"to_node": "timer_node",
"to_input": "config_input"
"from_node": "timer_token_node",
"from_output": "output",
"to_node": "timer_node",
"to_input": "token_input"
"from_node": "timer_node",
"from_output": "token_output",
"to_node": "debug_node",
"to_input": "input"
"data" : {
"timer_config_node": {
"value": {"duration": {"secs": 1, "nanos": 0}}
"timer_token_node": {
"value": 42
Console application to run flows compiled to shared objects. Code is located in src/bin/ Call ``./runner_main[.exe] --help` for instructions. To compile a flow for execution on the desktop, execute the following steps
- Goto the flow-project folder [flow-project].
- run
cargo build
which will generate a the shared object file (*.dll or *.so) in target/[debug|release] (in this case debug). - run
.\runner_main.exe --flow [flow-project]\target\[debug|release]\[flow-project].[dll|so] --workers [number of worker threads]
- stop flow execution with
Flow projects also run in the browser. To compile a flow for execution in the browser, execute the following steps:
- Goto the flow-project folder [flow-project].
- run
wasm-pack build --release --target web
which will generate a the shared object file (*.dll or *.so) in target/[debug|release] (in this case: release). - run
python -m http.server
in the very same directory (or any other webserver) - Open your browser and browse to
- Open your browser's console viewer.