
A C++ library for parsing expressions with Python syntax and using SIMD for repetitive evaluation. Amortization of the interpreter overhead leads to nearly peak CPU performance..

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


C++ parsing library for HPC.


  • Python expressions including Numpy like arrays
  • compilation to bytecode, arena allocator for maximal memory locality
  • expression evaluation on vectors, amortizatiton of the bytecode interpreter
  • usage of SIMD for maximal Flops on modern CPUs


SIMD instructions in particular AVX is supported from certain versions of compilers, e.g. GCC 4.6, Clang 3.5


	using namespace bparser;
	// Define own value vectors, preferably aligned.
	uint vec_size = 8;
	double v1[vec_size * 3];
	double v2[vec_size * 3];
	double vres[vec_size * 3];

	// Create parser, give the size of the value spaces.
	// That is maximal allocated space. Actual values and 
	// active subset can be changed between evaluations of the expression.
	Parser p(vec_size);
	// parse an expression.
	p.parse("1 * v1 + cs1 * v2");

	// Get symbols used in the expressions.
	std::vector<std::string> symbols = p.symbols();
	std::cout << "Symbols: " << print_vector(p.symbols()) << "\n";
	// Set constants and variables
	// "cs1" constant with shape {}, i.e. scalar and values {2}.
	p.set_constant("cs1", {}, 	{2});
	// "cv1" vector constant with shape {3}
	p.set_constant("cv1", {3}, 	{1, 2, 3});
	// "v1" variable with shape {3}; v1 is pointer to the value space
	p.set_variable("v1", {3}, v1);
	p.set_variable("v2", {3}, v2);
	// Set the result variable (the last line of the expression)
	p.set_variable("_result_", {3}, vres);

	// Compile the expression into internall processor.
	// Set arbitrary subset of the SIMD blocks in the maximal values space.
	// Here the full subset.
	p.set_subset({0, 1});
	// Evaluate
	// Result in the 'vres' value space.
	std::cout << print_vec(vres, 3*vec_size);

Expression syntax

BParser grammar tries to follow Python 3.6 expression grammar.


Whole program consists of sequence of assignements separated by ';' finished with the result expression.

    a = var + 1;
    b = a + var; c=2*a + b;
    a + b + c

White space doesn't matter. Input variables (as the var) are detected by the parser and must be provided through the set_variable or set_constant methods (see 'Usage' section) before compilation. New variables are defined by the assignment.

Identifiers are formed from a-z,A-Z,_,0-9 charactes and must not start with a digit.


Supported operators (sorted from the highest precedence):

  • ** : power

  • + (unary), - (unary)

  • *, /, //, %, @

    multiply, division, integer division, modulo, matrix multiplication

  • +, -

  • <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=

  • not

  • and

  • or

  • <true_expr> if <condition> else <false_expr>

    conditional expression

Chained comparison is suported, e. g.

a < b < c == d

is evaluated as:

a<b and b<c and c==d

Operands can be: numbers, variables, function calls, and array subscriptions.

Supported functions

  • abs, ceil, floor, sgn
  • rad2deg (radians to degrees), deg2rad (degrees to radians),
  • acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, sin, tan,
  • isinf (equal to +/-inf, isnan (equal to `+/- Nan),
  • log, log10, log2, exp, cosh, sinh
  • sqrt, power
  • eye, zeros, ones, full : array construction
  • flatten
  • minimum, maximum


Arrays of arbitrery dimension are supported, i.e. vectors, matrices, tensors.

Construction: [1,2,3] : vector, shape {3} [[1,2], [3,4]] : matrix, shape {2,3}

Subscription, slices:

a[0, 1] : element on row 0, column 1 of a matrix

a[[5, 0, 2]] : subvector of elements at indices 5, 0, 2

a[-1] : negative indices are treated as axis_size + index

a[0:10:2] : eleemnts at indices 0,2,4,6,8

a[-1:-2:-1] : last two elements in reversed order

a[None, 1] : vector of shape {n} broadcasted to a matrix of shape {1,n}

Syntax grammar

program: (assignment)+ expression

assignment: identifier '=' expression ';'

expression: | disjunction 'if' disjunction 'else' expression | disjunction

disjunction: | conjunction ('or' conjunction)+ | conjunction

conjunction: | inversion ('and' inversion)+ | inversion

inversion: | 'not' inversion | comparison

comparison: | bitwise_or compare_op_bitwise_or_pair+ | bitwise_or

compare_op_bitwise_or_pair: cmp_op sum

cmp_op: {'==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>='}

sum: | sum '+' term | sum '-' term | term

term: | term '*' factor | term '/' factor | term '//' factor | term '%' factor | term '@' factor | factor

factor: | '+' factor | '-' factor | power

power: | primary '**' factor | primary

primary: | atom | subscription

atom: | True | False | DOUBLE | INT | atom

subscription: | subscriptable ([ slicing ]) | subscriptable

subscriptable: | array | enclosure | call | IDENTIFIER

array: [ param_list ]

enclosure: ( expression )

call: FUNCTION ( param_list )

param_list: | | param (, param)+

slicing: slice_param (, slice_param)+

slice_param: | int_array | slice | INT | None

int_array: INT (, INT)+

slice: (INT)? ':' (INT)? (':' INT)?

In order to perform all array operations statically before compilation
we restrict indexing and slicing to int literals instead of general expressions.


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ:

freq. 2.7GHz, turbo boost 3.4GHz, memory bandwith 31.79 GiB/s L1 data 128KiB, instruction 128KiB, 8 way associative L2 1MiB, 4 way associative L3 8MiB supports AVX instructions, 4 double operations in single tact

theoretical computational power is 10.8 double precision GFLOPs necessary bandwith for a 2 argument operation (i.e. 12 doubles per SIMD instruction) is 120GiB/s that is about four times what is available so at least 4 operations should be performed on the data available in the cache. TODO: experiments with various size of vectors.




Data + subset. consists of: SIMD vec, e.g double4 pointer and subset pointer In debug mode we should store also (maximal) size of the subset and check access to it. Otherwise the subset size is given by Workspace.


  • set of vectors
  • buffer for temporary vectors
  • buffer for const vectors
  • const subset
  • single non-const subset
  • actual subset size
  • all placed in single memory chunk (arena allocator)


base class:

  • arrity
  • pointers to input ScalarNodes
  • index of the node result in the processors workspace (can be shared with some other node) !! need to mark somehow if the operation works in place, e.g. +=. Then number of inputs is the same as number of eval parameters.
  • method add_input to set inputs
  • number of unprocessed dependent nodes (if this is zero we can reuse the temporary storage)

operation specific:

  • op code
  • store_result = true/false
  • call base constructor with appropriate arrity
  • static eval method to perform operation on doubles

Processor - structure for efficient execution of opeartions

  • operations are encoded as structs holding an operation code and indices of at most three operands

  • table of operands consists of Vectors

  • Vector consists of: SIMD vec, e.g double4 pointer and subset pointer

  • Processor is created through a static method that takes the ScalarNode tree as the input parameter

    • performs topological sort of the tree (just DFN with a heuristic to reuse the teomporaries slots)
    • count:
      • input vectors (Vector = data ptr + subset ptr)
      • constants
      • temporaries
      • subset patterns (different pointers)
      • operetions
    • compute and allocate memory
    • construct the Processor, set its pointers to temporaries, constants, subsets
    • create operation list
  • Processor is consturucted from a tree of ScalarNodes

  • There is specific derived class for every kind of operation.

  • common features:

Boost spirit resources