A compact and highly efficient workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) platform for developers, system admins and business users.
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How to return two multi-instance tasks
#3944 opened by Dengyren - 6
multiInstance subprocess of revoking tasks has bug
#3999 opened by luoyi1029 - 1
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Unexpected result when querying tasks in Flowable 7.0.1
#3937 opened by jin2001 - 0
Static analysis report
#3995 opened by vlade1k - 10
Database migration 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 fails on postgres
#3990 opened by thmarx - 0
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Can Flowable support Informix 12+ Database?
#3991 opened by qzhong1028 - 2
Why the FormEngineConfiguration disappear?
#3986 opened by kelvin-cai - 4
Flowable 7.1.0 problems on postgres database
#3984 opened by myyychal - 1
Why can the event gateway be triggered multiple times
#3983 opened by huihuig - 7
How to optimize flowable after millions of data volumes
#3975 opened by BruceGC - 1
completionCondition---Even if the conditions are not met, it can still proceed to the next node
#3979 opened by lichengliang1 - 0
When I use the convertToXML method of BpmnXMLConverter to convert BpmnModel into an XML file, if the ServiceTask defines setCustoms Properties, the converted XML file has problems
#3977 opened by fuuhoo - 2
数据量过大以后,flowable有相关的归档功能吗?或者是否支持集成其他分库分表的框架,如 sharding
#3918 opened by BruceGC - 2
Load a custom font file
#3969 opened by watchgou - 0
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In a transaction where multiple parallel tasks are completed, and when the number of required approvals is specified, the information in act_hi_actinst and act_ru_actinst is not correctly deleted
#3967 opened by 985177520 - 1
#3968 opened by zpf13355 - 1
Title: How to Ensure Non-Nullable Fields with Default Values in Flowable 6.6.0?
#3966 opened by wyx-98 - 1
download Process model exception
#3965 opened by stormlong - 1
Date filters are not working in HistoricTaskInstanceQuery in flowable 7.0.1
#3961 opened by 154ngroves - 2
Event subscription is missing after migration of an active embedded sub process
#3928 opened by basclaessen - 2
flowable Does it not support the use of multiple modules?
#3952 opened by LIXNA - 5
Boundary timed event ,If at the end, the end event cannot be triggered,The listener did not detect it
#3950 opened by LIXNA - 0
sending signal to multiple processes interrupt while one process is a suspend process
#3948 opened by janslee - 1
Flowable UI and Whitelabel Error Page
#3947 opened by mobin-alz - 2
Extension attribute delegateExpression defined for a ServiceTask is lost while using BpmnXMLConverter
#3942 opened by janslee - 3
Run Software from Source Code
#3941 opened by mobin-alz - 0
The HistoricProcessInstanceQuery in Flowable does not have a processDefinitionNameLike method
#3940 opened by mlb0925 - 4
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taskService.createTaskQuery().taskInProgressStartedBy("*****").list() is not valid.
#3934 opened by jin2001 - 1
historyService.createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery().taskInProgressStartedBy("*****").list() throws an exception
#3935 opened by jin2001 - 1
Flowable ui version does not have 7.0.1
#3933 opened by LIXNA - 0
executing resolvingTask(taskId) and complete(taskId) next will generate two pending tasks
#3932 opened by lichengliang1 - 6
reject problem
#3919 opened by lichengliang1 - 1
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Flowable mybatis typehandler maybe not work correctly on the json column type
#3930 opened by NotFound403 - 0
Change the parameter type from FlowableEngineEventType to FlowableEventType in RuntimeService .
#3927 opened by LinZhaoguan - 0
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Process start, potentially migration: Signal scope gets ignored starting with the 2nd process
#3921 opened by robert-gurol-ebcont - 0
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After running runtimeService().deleteProcessInstance(processInstance.getId()) to delete the parent process instance, the CallActivity subprocessInstance query is null
#3916 opened by MoringMartin - 1
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Timer job never unlocked after an exception
#3913 opened by silentjesse126