
GPU Cloth TOP in TouchDesigner using CUDA-enabled NVIDIA Flex

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This project demonstrates how to use NVIDIA FleX solver for GPU cloth simulation in a TouchDesigner Custom Operator. It also shows how to render dynamic meshes from the texture data using custom vertex/geometry shaders and TouchDesigner's PBR lighting functions.


  • Cloth/inflatable simulation with controllable anchor points.
  • Triangle mesh collision.
  • Spheres, boxes and planes collisions.
  • Radial forcefields.
  • Many controlable parameters like wind, gravity, adherence, stiffness, etc.


ClothTOP_dali.toe: complex triangle mesh collision with multiple cloth bodies.
ClothTOP_inflatable.toe: inflatable body with dynamic pressure.
ClothTOP_cloak.toe: cloth body with animated anchor points.

Install NVIDIA FleX

  • Download FleX 1.2 (get access here).
  • Create a new environment variable called NvFlexDir that holds the path to /flex (folder you've unpacked).


  • Install the CUDA SDK you want to use.
  • Generate the Visual Studio project using CMake.
  • Building will automatically copy the .dll to the Plugins folder. If iusing a release dll, manually place it here.
  • Open a demo with TouchDesigner 2020.28110+ supported (tested on Windows 10).


  • Dali 3D model (download and place the .fbx next to ClothTOP_dali.toe)
  • Cloak 3D model (already in ClothTOP_cloak.toe)


  • The FlexCHOP by Vincent HouzĂ© provided a starting point for this project.

Known Issues

  • Moving anchors too fast can cause crashes with the solver not converging for extreme position deltas.
  • Lack of robust error checking for input meshes.