
Fetches and parses the weather for a requested zipcode from the Yahoo! Weather API.

Primary LanguageC


WeatherBot sample

Ever wanted to know what the weather's like in San Diego on Tuesday--from the comfort of your command line? In this short1, simple2 C program, WeatherBot will fetch the 5 day weather forecast for any zip code you care to provide and then use advanced natural language processing3 to helpfully inform you of all the important little details you want to know, like the weather.

Created as a final project for Computing II (project requirements: "must be written in C and use a data structure").

Built using the Yahoo! Weather API and many, many helpful internet sources (cited in weatherbot.c, will be transferred over here when I get around to it).

Someone please slap me if I ever try to do anything involving API requests, JSON processing, or advanced string parsing in C ever again.

1Not actually short
2Not actually simple