
Audiovisual challenge, log: https://medium.com/@flowen/what-i-learned-creating-a-100-av-daillies-log-ad2bfc8ff1c0

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dailly audiovisuals

A 100 day challenge to create audiovisuals everyday and get the creative juices flowin’.

My daily log Some topics I want to research icm audiovisuals:

  • particle systems
  • pointclouds
  • shaders
  • collision detection
  • ray casting
  • import 3d models
  • fractals

probably should look at some different ways to analyse audio too. Anyone has a suggestion?

Special thanks to @superGuiGui for his starterkit, which I use as a base.

And super special thanks to all the artists producing music everyday. I give props and only take small samples from a song, but if you want something removed please contact me.

see my Instagram for more work.

Quick howto:

After cloning or download install all node dependencies:

npm i

Then launch the main task to open budo livereload server:

npm start

to build the project:

npm run build

For some reason the build command doesn’t work so instead I manually copy-paste this in CLI:

browserify -v -d src/index.js -t babelify -t glslify | uglifyjs > index.js

what is xenochiku?

The answer is 吃苦, transliterated chi ku.

In English, this Chinese expression is known as eating bitter. I have found no better explication on the Web than this post on a martial arts forum:

Chinese phrase for enduring hardship. Or as Occidentals would say: "Grin and Bear It." Other references are: “Keep on Truckin”, “Hang In There”, “Stick It Out”, “Suck It Up”, etc., all to mean to endure something unpleasant in good humor. Or to continue despite difficulties in a general phrase of encouragement meaning to stay focused.


Eating bitter seems to be an aged-old saying, like a parent to a child, upon having the child do something without complaint. It has the meaning of working hard and tolerate some agony in order to acquire what it is one is hoping to achieve.

Given the rapidity with which Chinese culture is spreading in the West, we will see eating bitter  become more and more common. A biography published in 2010 (not a translation but a book originally in English) has Eating Bitter as its title, and there are many more examples.

I know, some of you will say it's too early to declare eating bitter part of the English language. Well, maybe you still have to put it between inverted commas and explain it upon first mention. I do believe, however, we will see it entering into common circulation soon. This is because (1) none of the English-language phrases*, from "grin and bear it" to "suck it up", carry quite the same connotations and (2) its very Chinese-ness makes it attractive, just as "tiger mom" filled a lacuna that had existed before.

So, you can say "I am used to eating bitter" or "I am one who likes to eat bitter, as we say at home" to describe yourself. In a job interview, this may get you a quizzical look, which is an opportunity for you to tell more. Interest in things Chinese is high in the West, so ride the wave!