
Create a shopping basket using React and Redux Toolkit

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Create a shopping basket using React and Redux Toolkit

Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, has justifiably had a bad reputation in the past for being overly complex and verbose. Whilst this can still be true, times have changed, the library has changed and evolved, and combined with the amazing Redux Toolkit, many of the historic complains have been alleviated.

For the complete tutorial, check out the blog post over on DeveloperHandbook.com


Run npm i to install dependencies, and then the following scripts will be available:

npm run build # to build the project
npm run start # to start the application
npm run dev # to start the application in developer mode

Note that by default, next will use port 3000. Given this is a common port to use for such things, you can override this executing any of the above commands with a double dash:

npm run dev -- -p 3003