
This project is a Python script that generates a JSON file with the tree structure of a folder or creates folders and files from a JSON file.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tree Maker Tool

This project is a Python script that generates a JSON file with the tree structure of a folder or creates folders and files from a JSON file. It works with all types of directories and files.

Media and binary files are base64 encoded in the JSON file to ensure correct generation of directories from the JSON.

The project does not have any external dependencies and uses only the libraries included by default in Python.

GUI version - Download the binaries for your system:

Download Windows (x86_64)

Download MacOSX (x86_64)

Download Linux (x86_64)

Terminal version - Download the binaries for your system:

Download Windows (x86_64)

Download MacOSX (x86_64)

Download Linux (x86_64)

Usage (Terminal version)

Open the binary in your terminal or cmd


tree_maker.exe -g <folder_path> # Generate json

tree_maker.exe -c <input_file.json> # Create tree (folders and files)


tree_maker_osx_v1 -g <folder_path> # Generate json

tree_maker_osx_v1 -c <input_file.json> # Create tree (folders and files)


tree_maker_lin_v1 -g <folder_path> # Generate json

tree_maker_lin_v1 -c <input_file.json> # Create tree (folders and files)

For Developers - Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/flowese/tree_maker.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd tree_maker

Usage (For Developers)

To generate a JSON file with the tree structure of a folder, run the following command:

python tree_maker.py generate <folder_path>

To create folders and files from a JSON file, run the following command:

python tree_maker.py create <input_file.json>


To generate a JSON file with the tree structure of the current directory, run the following command:

python tree_maker.py generate .

To create folders and files from a JSON file, run the following command:

python tree_maker.py create example.json



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.