Vagrant and Ansible configuration to build a lamp stack on ubuntu 14.04 trusty64 or 12.04 precise64. The purpose of this repository is to create an essential vagrant for PHP development.
- adellava@edreams
- alemazzItaly, Pesaro(PU)
- AlessandroMinoccheri@inpost-italy
- andreamancino@spreaker
- drinky78
- dymissy@spreaker
- filippogianessiYAZIO
- fosco
- fulloGrUSP
- FuminshouForlì, Italy
- GeoDooEngineering manager @VIOOH
- jhcloos
- lorenzomassacciJesi
- luigivitelli23
- matteoamaduzzi
- mazzcris@wishraiser
- mozork
- nandoluc@claranet-it
- paoloid
- pfazzi@primait
- rastellid@flowingis
- ricfranksoisy
- SelfrulesSpilamberto (Mo)
- slash-84@claranet-it
- stefano-rainieri
- uochiRome
- vegagameItalia
- VioloClaranet
- vittoMaggioli Spa