
NEAR NFT staking with FT rewards

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

This document provides an overview of the repository, details about each contract, instructions for building, testing, and deploying the contracts, and some general information on prerequisites.

NFT Staking and Fungible Token Rewards Contracts

This repository contains two separate smart contracts designed for the NEAR protocol. The nft-staking contract allows users to stake NFTs and earn rewards based on the duration of staking. The ft-rewards contract manages the issuance and distribution of fungible tokens (FT) that serve as rewards for staked NFTs.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

Directory Structure

  ├── Cargo.toml             # Workspace configuration file
  ├── /nft-staking
  │   ├── Cargo.toml         # Cargo configuration for the nft-staking contract
  │   └── /src
  │       └── lib.rs         # Source file for the nft-staking contract
  └── /ft-rewards
      ├── Cargo.toml         # Cargo configuration for the ft-rewards contract
      └── /src
          └── lib.rs         # Source file for the ft-rewards contract

Each contract has its own directory and Cargo.toml file for Rust package management.


NFT Staking Contract (nft-staking)

The NFT Staking Contract enables users to stake their NFTs and receive rewards based on staking metrics such as duration and quantity of NFTs staked. This contract interacts with a fungible token contract to distribute these rewards.

Fungible Token Contract (ft-rewards)

The Fungible Token Rewards Contract adheres to the NEP-141 standard and is used to issue and manage the fungible tokens that are distributed as rewards in the NFT staking process.


Using the Build Script


Ensure you have Rust and the wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Make the script executable:

chmod +x build.sh

Run the script:


This script should correctly build your smart contracts and store the compiled WASM files in the specified res directory, simplifying the process of managing builds within a Rust workspace structure.

The build script automates the following steps:

  1. Creating a Directory for Outputs: The script starts by creating a directory named res inside your nft-farm workspace directory. This is where the compiled WASM files will be stored after building.
  2. Building the Contracts: It navigates into your workspace directory and uses cargo build to compile each contract with the wasm32-unknown-unknown target, necessary for deploying Rust code to blockchain environments that support WASM. The --package flag specifies which package to compile, allowing selective compilation within a workspace.
  3. Copying the WASM Files: After each build, the script copies the resulting .wasm files to the res directory for easy deployment.


Place the build.sh script in the parent directory of nft-farm and run it.

Building the Contracts Separately

To build the contracts, navigate to the root directory of each contract and run the following commands:

cd nft-staking
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

cd ../ft-rewards
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

This will compile each contract to WebAssembly (WASM) suitable for deployment on the NEAR network.


Unit tests can be run by navigating to each contract directory and using:

cargo test

Ensure all tests pass before deploying the contracts.


Quickstart Deploy Deploy the contracts to the NEAR testnet using the following commands:

near deploy --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/nft_staking.wasm

near deploy --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/ft_rewards.wasm

Replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE with your actual NEAR testnet account ID.


After deployment, initialize each contract by calling its new method using near-cli.

NFT Staking Contract Initialization Example

near call YOUR_STAKING_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT.new '{"owner_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet", "nft_contract_id": "NFT_CONTRACT_HERE.testnet", "rewards_contract_id": "REWARDS_CONTRACT_HERE.testnet", "reward_rate": 0.1}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet

Fungible Token Contract Initialization Example

near call YOUR_REWARDS_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT.new '{"owner_id": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet", "total_supply": "1000000"}' --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE.testnet


Contributions are welcome. Please submit an issue or fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes and improvements.
