
Primary LanguageC#


Following NIP-53 using kind: 30312

service tag is added to point clients to the API which controls the room access

  "kind": 30312,
  "tags": [
    ["d", "<unique identifier>"],
    ["title", "<name of the event>"],
    ["summary", "<description>"],
    ["image", "<preview image url>"],
    ["t", "hashtag"],
    ["streaming", "<url>"],
    ["recording", "<url>"], // used to place the edited video once the activity is over
    ["starts", "<unix timestamp in seconds>"],
    ["ends", "<unix timestamp in seconds>"],
    ["status", "<planned, live, ended>"],
    ["current_participants", "<number>"],
    ["total_participants", "<number>"],
    ["p", "aaaa", "wss://provider1.com/", "host"],
    ["p", "bbbb", "wss://provider2.com/nostr", "speaker"],
    ["p", "cccc", "wss://provider3.com/nostr", "speaker"],
    ["p", "dddd", "wss://provider4.com/nostr", "speaker"],
    ["relays", "wss://one.com", "wss://two.com", ...],
    ["service", "https://nostrnests.com/api/v1/nests"],
  "content": "",

In order to make it more obvious the type of streaming backend being used the url should be one of the following:

  • wss+livekit://example.com - LiveKit websocket.
  • https://example.com/live.m3u8 - HLS playlist.

If the room is a LiveKit room clients should auth with the service tag using NIP-98 auth at <service-url>/auth to obtain an access token.

Other systems can be supported in the future by defining different streaming url formats.

Room Chat

Sames as NIP-53 kind: 1311, there is no reason to have another kind here as they always have a tag.

  "kind": 1311,
  "tags": [
    ["a", "30311:<Community event author pubkey>:<d-identifier of the community>", "<Optional relay url>", "root"],
  "content": "Zaps to live streams is beautiful.",

Room Presence

New kind: 10312 provides an event which signals presence of a listener. An expiration tag SHOULD be used to allow the natural cleanup of these events.

This kind 10312 is a regular replaceable event, as such presence can only be indicated in one room at a time.

  "kind": 10312,
  "tags": [
    ["a" , "<room-a-tag>", "<relay-hint>", "root"],
    ["expiration", "<unix-timestamp>"]


Zap splits should be set on the room kind: 30312 as NIP-57.G zap tags


Start by bringing up the dev env: docker compose up -d

Generate an access token using nak:

curl http://localhost:5544/api/v1/nests/auth -H "Authorization: Nostr $(nak event -k 27235 -t method=GET -t u=http://localhost:5544/api/v1/nests/auth | base64)"

Connect to the livekit room:
