a simple yet useful cli for deploy front end project
clone the git repository
install typescript globally using npm install -g typescript
install the dependencies using npm install
build the project using npm build
link the command to system using npm link
well done! you can now using i-deploy -c <config files> in which project you need to deploy
command description
-h, --help: show the help information
-v, --version:show the version information
-c, --config <config files>: deploy with config file(s), you can pass one or more config files like i-deploy -c ./dev.json ./prod.json
config description
"env": "dev", // a description of the environment"host": "", // host of the server to deploy"port": 22, // port of the host"username": "root", // username// note: one of the 'password' or 'privateKeyPath' must be provided"password": "password", // password"privateKeyPath": "~/.ssh/id_rsa", // private key path"distDir": "./dist", // local build directory// note: all of these build-related command will be executed locally"preBuildCommand": ["rm -rf ./dist"], // pre build command (optional)"buildCommand": "yarn build", // build command"postBuildCommand": ["echo 'build success'"],//post build command (optional)// note: all of these deploy command will be executed on the server"preDeployCommand": ["rm -rf /folder/to/deploy/*"], // pre deploy command (optional)"deployDir": "/folder/to/deploy", // deploy directory on the server"postDeployCommand": ["nginx -s reload"] // post deploy command (optional)