

The following document outlines the structure of theblockchainbook. This is no means a guide on how the final product will turn out. This project is still a Proof Of Concept so many details will change in the upcoming months.

This project is just to enhance my understanding of building blockchain systems


  1. Week 01 - [6/1/2020 - 12/1/2020]
    • Project Inception
    • Structure for blocks and transactions
    • Genesis Block
    • Chain
    • Book: Blocks
  2. Week 02 - [13-1/2020 - 20/1/2020]
    • Key-Value DB

eBook format


  1. Comparison Article
  2. Cheatsheat


The helper repository will maintain all helper functions used during the life of this repository. It will maintain packages that can be used at multiple instances to allow for greater modularity. For instance, the caching mechanism will lie in this repository to ensure that the readers are not bombarded with the implementation details.

Repository: Helpers

Functionality in the helper repository

  1. Caching

Blockchain Programming

Lesson 1: Project Information

What it will not do?

  • Provide overview of complex blockchain architecture such as
    • Keyblocks/Microblocks
    • Deterministic Consensus Algorithms
      • Why? Because there isn't a reliable BFT Consensus

Lesson 2: Blocks

  1. Blocks
    • Architecture
      • Header
        • Address structure
        • Bytes32/Hash structure
      • Body
      • Builder
    • Block ID representation and calculation
      • Setting first 4 bytes as 0 for height
      • Public-Key Crypto Library
        • Types
          • Keccak256
          • Black2b
          • RCHash
    • Genesis Block
      • Builder
        • ChainConfig
        • BlockConfig
          • ExtraData
          • Timestamp
  1. Testing
  2. Cache (Ethereum vs Vechain)
    • ID

Lesson 3: Chain

Lesson 4: Transactions

  1. Transactions
    • Architecture
      • Header
      • Body
    • Builder
    • Transaction ID representation and calculate
    • Clauses vs Traditional
  2. Testing
  3. Cache

Lesson 5: Advanced Concepts: Transaction Clauses and Delegator Signing

  1. Clauses
  2. Delegator Signing

Lesson 6: Advanced Concepts: Cache and Raw Blocks

  1. Cache
  2. Raw Blocks

Lesson 7: Advanced Concepts: Genesis Contracts

  1. Contracts
    • Executor
    • Energy
    • Authority
    • Extension
    • Params
    • Prototype

Lesson 8: Advanced Concepts: Networks

  1. Networks
    • Testnet
    • Mainnet
    • Devnet

Lesson 9: Advanced Concetps: Key-Value DB integration

  1. Why?
  2. Potential KV's
    • LevelDB
    • BadgerDB
  3. The KV interface