
A simple library that loads and keeps SQL queries from files

Primary LanguageGo


A simple library for loading & getting string queries from files.

How to install

go get github.com/fakefloordiv/querycrate/tree/master


Code is placed in qc folder. So import should look like this: import "github.com/fakefloordiv/querycrate/qc".

Library also has it's own queries locators - this is unix-like path to file, including file name, but excluding file extension. For example, path/to/my/query.sql may be gotten from QueryCrate by path/to/my/query locator. Also locator does not starts with a root path


Filters are just structs that implement interface querycrate.Filter with a single method IsAllowed(file querycrate.File) bool. Library already has 2 simple filters - AllowExtensions(extensions... string) and IgnoreExtensions(extensions... string) (to be honest they're just returning an initialized struct). Filters may stacking, so you can add multiple filters


import (

  querycrate "github.com/fakefloordiv/querycrate/qc"

func main() {
  root := "somefolder/"
  qc := querycrate.NewQueryCrate()
  err := qc.FromFolder(root) // by default only .sql files are allowed
  // or querycrate.FromFolder(root, SomeFilter1, SomeFilter2, ...) to add filters
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("unexpected error:", err)
  query, err := qc.Get("somerepo/myquery")
  if err != nil {
    if err = qc.AddQuery("somefolder/somerepo/myquery.sql"); err != nil {
      log.Fatal("unexpected error during adding query")
    instead := "default query"
    query = qc.GetOr("somefolder/somerepo/myquery", instead).(string)
  // For example

What problems this library solves?

Not all libs provide adequate way to keep queries not directly in the code, but in files with .sql extensions. This small library solves this problem by reading query files recursively and providing a friendly interface to access them. Flexible files filters are allowed, so you can keep any text files here (binary aren't supported as internally using string type for keeping query files content).