
Capitalize your title in something pretty close to Chicago Manual of Style title case.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Chicago API: Chicago-Style Title Capitalization

Jest status badge

A Node.js server that tries to be helpful by capitalizing your title string in something probably pretty close to title case according to the Chicago Manual of Style.

I'm just a quick weekend project. Please don't use me in production. 🙈


Clone and build the project:

git clone https://github.com/victoriadrake/chicago-api.git
npm install

Run server locally:

node dist/index.js

The port is 8080 by default. You can specify one instead by appending it:

node dist/index.js 5432

In another terminal, send your title string as title query parameter, for example:

curl http://localhost:8080/?title=chicago+API:+chicago-style+title+capitalization


Chicago API: Chicago-Style Title Capitalization