
Fluence is supporting a 6-weeks online hackathon in summer 2022 organized by IPFS/Filecoin and FIL Singapore

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Fluence is supporting a 6-weeks online hackathon in summer 2022 organized by IPFS/Filecoin run up to a FIL Singapore Summit on August 16-19. Sign up at the hackathon onboarding page


Outstanding Award Of Fluence $ 2,500 x 2 best projects

Challenge track

Track: Influence Web3 with Fluence Best use of Fluence and Aqua in your Web3 project or DApp. For more details and resources, please check here!


Tutor: Bernhard Borges Title: Fluence Labs Research Scientist Time: July 20th 18:00 CST Theme: Introduction to Fluence & Aqua (EN)

About Fluence

Fluence provides the protocol, infrastructure and tools to enable decentralized compute for applications and backends on peer-to-peer networks. Nodes in the Fluence peer-to-peer network host discoverable services comprised of WebAssembly Interface Types (IT) modules. Resource discovery, e.g., FaaS, is achieved by function addressability rather than REST or JSON-RPC. Aqua, Fluence's purpose-built distributed systems programming language, allows developers to seamlessly program distributed networks and compose hosted services into decentralized applications. As a result, the Fluence protocol and solution stack allows you to quickly and effectively create and implement Web3 protocols and associated governance models within the decentralized serverless paradigm.

How to Participate

Register via devpost. Build a dapp using Fluence and Aqua.

Hacking With Fluence

The Fluence peer-to-peer compute protocol, aka decentralized serverless, allows you to create decentralized off-chain protocols and applications with ease. To get you going, you may want to look at Fluence and Aqua to

  • decentralize centralized components, bottlenecks and choke-points in your existing web3 DApp
  • create decentralized peer-to-peer protocols to replace centralized off-chain solutions by means of decentralized off-chain oracles or by swapping centralized service providers, e.g., AWS Lambda, for a decentralized infrastructure
  • decentralize centralized off-chain solutions such as relayers for single- or multi-chain bridges
  • enable dynamic NFTs by creating one or more decentralized off-chain oracles to provide (continuous) data feeds to your NFTs

Hacking On Fluence

For a quick overview, see our Hacking On Fluence document as well as the examples repo.

A variety of examples and tutorials are available including evm-integration.


Fluence has a variety of components and building blocks available to accelerate your project build.