Fluentd Filter plugin to concatenate multiline log separated in multiple events.
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[Feature request] Flush buffer log level setting
#125 opened by kvokka - 2
Concat plugin makes some log messages disappear
#124 opened by artm - 8
concat lose last log line when it is a single line
#109 opened by mierzej91 - 1
using the concat plugin with CRI logs ends up deleting the stream key from the record
#116 opened by mmerickel - 0
Encoding Compatibility Error
#123 opened by aashish-fiftyfive - 1
disable filter chain optimization because [Fluent::Plugin::ConcatFilter] uses filter_stream method
#95 opened by grosser - 2
separator not working for pretty json
#122 opened by llermaly - 2
- 1
Java multi-line logs merge into one line
#120 opened by xianhuadezhuren - 2
- 0
Allow ruby expressions in plugin fields
#115 opened by AndresPineros - 0
Concatenate various fields
#113 opened by MarcK2 - 1
error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ConcatFilter::TimeoutError error="Timeout flush: kernel:default" location=nil tag="kernel"
#112 opened by wajika - 0
How to concat messages handled by timeout_label
#111 opened by KiranNadupuru - 1
Concatenating cri logs configError: Either n_lines, multiline_start_regexp, multiline_end_regexp, partial_key or use_partial_metadata is required
#110 opened by adityajalkhare - 4
Concat plugin not concatenating multiple lines
#64 opened by lp060 - 3
Concat problem on kubernetes with message with \n
#91 opened by jarduini - 4
timeout flush and loss log
#94 opened by majun9129 - 3
Concat containerd/docker output in the same config
#103 opened by sonnyhcl - 5
What does Timeout flush exactly mean ?
#108 opened by oldunclez - 8
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- 1
emit transaction failed: error_class=NoMethodError error="undefined method `key?' for \"\":String"
#92 opened by victortrac - 2
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Plugin::ConcatFilter::TimeoutError: Timeout flush
#63 opened by Tri0L - 5
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Simple stack trace concat
#89 opened by mayurcherukuri - 1
concat filter bug
#88 opened by hunkeelin - 2
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timeout_label behaviour
#84 opened by g3kr - 4
I need a final recipe from [warn]: dump an error event: error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ConcatFilter::TimeoutError error="Timeout flush: kubernetes.var.log
#83 opened by DmitriyProkhorov - 0
timeout flush corrupts tags which contain colon
#86 opened by shpatel2 - 1
- 0
Not able to concatenate splitted logs
#81 opened by dcvtruong - 12
deadlock error
#69 opened by Vince-Cercury - 0
Not able to combine java stack trace with the previous line as single event in elastic search
#80 opened by harpritc - 3
Log lines not being joined
#77 opened by zbaylin - 2
Timeout attempting to join multiline k8s logs
#76 opened by bernardd - 7
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Simple multiline problem
#73 opened by marcin-kasinski - 0
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timeout flush and can not match java stack multi
#61 opened by Maplejw - 2
Concat problem....
#62 opened by omoldes - 10
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Add option to disable logging on timeouts
#51 opened by xanonid - 4