Fluentd plugin for output to remote syslog serivce (e.g. Papertrail)
- 4
Load Balancing
#55 opened by hazzakins - 8
No failure and buffering of data happening when syslog server (deployed through kubernetes) becomes unreachable
#56 opened by aggarwalShivani - 0
Remote_syslog is not working as expected
#59 opened by ACodingfreak - 1
Changing source string
#33 opened by sgeffken - 7
- 2
Timeout issue
#58 opened by mareban - 0
Supported TLS version
#54 opened by mrudrego - 0
Using the remote syslog plugin, is there a way to get the original syslog message - without the tag / hostname / timestamp ?
#53 opened by jtsmith342 - 3
- 3
Do I need to also configure a syslog client in other for remote_syslog to properly send data ?
#43 opened by leonzo - 3
- 3
supported format
#50 opened by mareban - 0
mTLS support
#52 opened by mabra94 - 2
TLS with selfsigned certificate
#44 opened by mreiger - 5
TCP Remote Shipping not working
#28 opened by waldman - 2
Remote syslog not working
#35 opened by scalp42 - 1
Syslog output
#30 opened by novitski - 2
Long messages are truncated on UDP
#40 opened by bivas6 - 3
Syslog message with severity "warning" are considered as bad chunk by fluentd and discarded
#41 opened by chaitrahegde115 - 2
support for ${} values
#18 opened by widgetpl - 0
UTF-8 vs ISO8859-1
#11 opened by flaviotorres - 2
support tcp protocol
#10 opened by junho85 - 2
Output to remote rsyslog problem
#8 opened by moodygit - 2
Message time sent through syslog_protocol is Time.now instead of original log timestamp
#48 opened by ptrovatelli - 3
On the future development of this plugin
#47 opened by daipom - 0
- 2
Removing the metadata sent with each log.
#36 opened by achin-netskope - 0
tcp rst problem
#39 opened by MouceL - 0
output format
#38 opened by MouceL - 3
Possible to pass through the hostname and the tag fields to the remote syslog?
#29 opened by samitpal - 0
Cannot reformat timestamp
#34 opened by jaysonwor - 1
- 0
Support for IPv6
#25 opened by fragatina - 2
- 2
problem with ${tag_parts[]} ?
#17 opened by widgetpl - 0
noticing the following error in my logs
#9 opened by jchauncey - 1
parameter 'program' is not used.
#7 opened by moodygit - 2
Unknown output plugin 'remote_syslog'
#6 opened by moodygit - 4
Tag Rewrites Don't Work
#4 opened by alph486 - 4
Can't use tag placeholders
#1 opened by scalp42