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The Storytelling Tool

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Social Justice Repair Kit

https://sojustrepairit.org/ The goal of the SJRK is to help youth movements and social justice initiatives to become welcoming environments for youth with learning differences, and benefit from the advantages of inclusive design. The resources available in the SJRK are intended to be lightweight and easy to deploy, share, repurpose and reuse. The kit will also be openly available to any group or individual hosting youth movements, youth action events and social justice movements.

The Storytelling Tool

More information on this project is available at: https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Web+Storytelling+Tools

This repository represents the Storytelling Tool, a project which anyone can use to share their story with the world in a way that is inclusive, multimodal and accessible. The project primarily uses Fluid Infusion, so it is assumed that anyone working on it will have some familiarity with Infusion's syntax and philosophy.

This project also uses Node.js, Kettle and CouchDB to build the web-hosting environment that drives the tool.

How do I use it?

Running the site

  • npm install to install dependencies
  • Run a CouchDB server on localhost:5984
    • Docker is an easy way to do this, we recommend the apache/couchdb image. To use that image via Docker, run this command: docker run -p 5984:5984 -d apache/couchdb:2.3.1
  • Run node .\src\server\db\dbSetup.js to configure necessary CouchDB databases (this will also ensure your CouchDB instance is set up in single-node mode)
    • If you have an admin user configured on you CouchDB instance, you will need to provide the credentials to dbSetup.js. This can be done by setting the COUCHDB_URL environment variable. dbSetup.js will use the URL specified in COUCHDB_URL when connecting to CouchDB. For example: COUCHDB_URL=http://admin:adminpassword@localhost:5984
  • Create the necessary configuration files.
  • Run node .\index.js to launch the server


The tool is split up into two main pieces: a webserver to manage communication with the CouchDB database, and an HTML interface for creating and sharing stories.

  • Server code can be found in src/server. A list of grades used on the server side of the project can be found in GRADES-SERVER.md.
  • User interface code can be found in src/ui, though a significant amount of code may be present in the theme folders (see Theme Customization). A list of grades used on the client side of the project can be found in GRADES-UI.md.

Running HTTPS locally

It's likely that the production/deployed instances are run with https enabled. Ideally the development environment will closely match the production one, in that case you'll likely want to run your local dev environment with https as well. You'll need to set up the configuration to use port 443 and provide the https configuration in the secrets.json to point at the necessary key and cert files. An example of the configuration needed is provided in the secrects.json.example file.

    "https": {
        "cert": "/path/to/certificate",
        "key": "/path/to/key"
Using mkcert

If you don't already have trusted certificates, you can use mkcert to generate the certifcate and act as a certificate authority running on your local machine. Follow thier instructions to install it on your particular platform.

After installing, run mkcert -install to automatically add new certifcates to the trust stores. This should only need to be run once.

mkcert -install

Generate certificate and key files for running on localhost, and ::1. If you require other domains, you can modify the list to include those as well. The command below sets the key to server-key.pem and the certificate to server-cert.pem. You can use other names, but these are already excluded from version control. After generating the files, you'll need to update the secrets.json file to point at them.

mkcert -cert-file server-cert.pem -key-file server-key.pem localhost ::1

Once the configuration is complete, the Storytelling tool will be accessible from https://localhost/ and

Configuring the application

While Infusion allows for just about any possible extension you can imagine and implement, there are a few handy configuration settings provided as part of the code which allow you, for instance, to customize the current theme or configure a new one. The server will load a file named sjrk.storyTelling.server.config.json5, and the globalConfig collection is where you will find the following settings:

Setting Description
port (Optional) The HTTP port the server will be hosted on. The default value is 8081. If this is changed, it should also be updated in Dockerfile, docker-compose.dev.yml and docker-compose.cloud.yml
authoringEnabled Specifies whether creating and saving stories to the database is allowed. If the value is set to false, then the site is effectively in "read-only" mode and will behave as a collection of stories rather than an authoring tool.
theme (Optional) The theme to load the site with. If this isn't specified, a base theme will be loaded. More info on this can be found in Theme Customization.
themeIndexFile (Optional) The file to serve at the site root. E.g. "themeIndexFile": "index2.html". The default is storyBrowse.html. If theme is not provided, this setting will be ignored and the default will be served.

Theme customization

Provided themes

The "base" files included in this repository, located in the themes/base directory, are intended to provide a bare-bones implementation of the Storytelling Tool without any project- or organization-specific branding or other bells and whistles. The interface is extensible and customizable to enable the creation of new experiences, themes and story contexts within the tool. The site comes with some custom themes already available:

  • cities has styling intended to be consistent with the Inclusive Cities site. There is no link to the Edit page since the hosted site is used only as a collection of stories and editing is disabled.
  • learningReflections has a few extra pages with content and is styled to illustrate the support of the Storytelling Project by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Oak Foundation.
  • karisma is a fun theme with some hand-drawn illustrations on a welcome page and was created for use as part of the SJRK work being done by the Fundación Karisma.
  • sojustrepairit is designed to match the styling on the main SJRK website: sojustrepairit.org

Each theme is hosted from a particular branch in the repository, most of which are present in the main fork. For more information on those branches, please see BRANCHES.md.

Creating a new theme

To create new a custom theme, follow these steps:

  • Set the theme value in the server config file (see Configuring the application) to the name of your new theme. For the sake of this example, we'll use cuteCats.
  • Create a new folder for code and assets associated with the new theme (for examples, please see the themes/karisma or themes/learningReflections folders). The folder name must be the same as the theme value in the config file.
  • Create a JavaScript file which contains extensions of the page grades (e.g. for sjrk.storyTelling.base.page.storyEdit, add a new grade sjrk.storyTelling.cuteCats.storyEdit which has the former as one of its gradeNames). These extensions could include new ui components for new sections of the page, new events or other functionality. The name of the JavaScript file must match the folder and theme name, e.g. themes/cuteCats/js/cuteCats.js
  • Create a CSS file in the css directory with all of the styling rules specific to the new theme. The CSS file, like the JavaScript file, should have the same name as the theme and theme folder: themes/cuteCats/css/cuteCats.css
  • Add any new associated handlebars templates to be used by new UI components, and be sure to set the path for these templates. It is recommended to put them in the templates directory. E.g. themes/cuteCats/templates/newTemplateName.hbs
  • If your new content contains any new wording, you can create new message bundle files (in the themes/cuteCats/messages directory) and refer to those message names in the handlebars template(s). Please note that a ui component specifies and loads only one message bundle at a time.
  • If there are some common changes that will be made to all pages, or shared values, consider creating a shared grade which includes these common changes and have every new page or ui grade refer to that gradeName as well. For example:
    • sjrk.storyTelling.cuteCats.page.storyEdit could have the following as a value for gradeNames: ["sjrk.storyTelling.cuteCats.page", "sjrk.storyTelling.base.page.storyEdit"]
    • if the folder structure for the new theme is different from the original location of these files, you could update the pageSetup.resourcePrefix option of each new page by putting it in the new base grade
  • Add any custom assets required, such as new images, sounds, or fonts. These should also be located within the themes/cuteCats directory.


Before running any tests, please ensure you have followed the steps outlined in Running the site. All tests should be run before any commits are made in order to catch any bugs or regressions introduced by code changes.

All tests

Run npm test which will run the server and browser tests and output a coverage report. The coverage summary will be displayed in the log and reports are populated in the reports directory.

Server tests

Run npm run test:node to execute the server code tests.

Browser tests

Run npm run test:browser to execute the browser tests in headless browsers.

If you would like to manually execute the browser tests in browser, use a webserver to serve the project and navigate to tests/ui/all-tests.html file or any of the indivdual test files in the tests/ui/html directory.

Manual Browser tests

There are a number of features that must currently be tested manually (i.e. with direct user interaction), either due to automation that has not yet been implemented or due to browser security restrictions. Each manual test page provides instructions on how to proceed and what to expect in the successful case. You'll need to use a webserver to serve the project in order to access the manual tests.

Here are the current manual browser test pages:

  • tests/manual/html/ui-storyEditor-manual-Tests.html
  • tests/manual/html/blockUi-editor-audioBlockEditor-manual-Tests.html
  • tests/manual/html/blockUi-editor-imageBlockEditor-manual-Tests.html
  • tests/manual/html/blockUi-editor-videoBlockEditor-manual-Tests.html

For more information on the grades and files being tested, please refer to the UI Grades documentation: GRADES-UI.md.

Deploying: Dockerfile and using docker-compose

The included Dockerfile is used within the docker-compose context and needs an associated CouchDB container to work. Refer to the Using docker-compose section for details.

Three files are used for the docker-compose definitions:

  • docker-compose.yml, the base configuration file
  • docker-compose.dev.yml, the stateless dev configuration
  • docker-compose.cloud.yml, the production configuration that persists the DB and binary uploads directories using the Docker bind mounts approach.

The Compose configuration defines three containers:

  • app: the storytelling tool itself, built from the project Dockerfile
  • db: the official apache/couchdb image
  • dbconfig: also uses the project Dockerfile, but uses it to run the CouchDB configuration setup in server/src/js/db/dbSetup.js when launching - this is an idempotent operation that will not overwrite or replace an existing CouchDB database, but ensures the CouchDB instance running in the db container is properly configured for use by app

Basic local development configuration

For testing the basics of container configuration, this can be used locally. Note that there will be no data persistence once the containers are removed.

Rebuilding the container images
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml build --no-cache
Bring the service up
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
Remove the stopped containers
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml rm

Cloud configuration (for remote deployment usage)

Running locally

The examples below can be used to test the production configuration on a local environment by replicating the persistence volumes approach.

Refer to https://docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/ for other methods of passing the necessary environment variables to the docker-compose command.

Rebuilding the container images
APP_SERVER_SECRETS_FILE=./secrets.json \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.cloud.yml build --no-cache
Bring the service up
APP_SERVER_SECRETS_FILE=./secrets.json \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.cloud.yml up
Remove the stopped containers
APP_SERVER_SECRETS_FILE=./secrets.json \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.cloud.yml rm


The Storytelling Tool is provided under the New BSD license. Please see LICENSE.txt or visit https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more details. For a list of copyright holders in the project, please see AUTHORS.md.