Pinned issues
Orca Slicer scarf seams cause incorrect layer count and display in Gcode Preview
#1403 opened by tntfriesen1
- 2
Fix fan behavior with Danger Klipper
#1457 opened by fbeauKmi - 5
Unable to close/clear notifications panel
#1459 opened by thijstriemstra - 2
Thermals Power % Graph Line Colors not in Legend
#1462 opened by blackadar - 4
Spoolman server disconnected error message
#1486 opened by thijstriemstra - 2
Track the number of times a file has been printed
#1488 opened by cramsvik - 3
Console output messed up
#1501 opened by Rigattoni - 2
- 0
- 0
Add support for force movement on extruder
#1493 opened by yunline - 8
go2rtc api uri broken
#1491 opened by aam335 - 10
G-Code Preview Show Very Drastically incorrect number of layers - File Exported from Cura Ultimaker 5.8
#1490 opened by soundtechscott - 13
Web interface not visible
#1473 opened by T9Air - 1
Traditional Gcode uses = for parameters
#1481 opened by pellcorp - 0
Klipperscreen rollover log not filtered
#1480 opened by thijstriemstra - 0
Camera streaming shows "Camera service not supported!"
#1478 opened by pedrolamas - 0
Saving view options from Gcode Preview
#1441 opened by BlackShadeOSS - 2
- 0
Disable TMC OTPW warnings
#1474 opened by bwnance - 4
Orca Slicer scarf seams cause incorrect layer count and display in Gcode Preview
#1403 opened by tntfriesen1 - 6
Current Layer information and gcode preview not showing print information, when printing, unless I restart my browser or slicer (Orcaslicer)
#1461 opened by pmbroth - 0
Cleanup Runout Panel
#1467 opened by randellhodges - 3
Incorrect URLs in Software Update section
#1463 opened by rmcfadzean - 2
Temperature sensor name incorrect
#1460 opened by thijstriemstra - 2
- 2
Z-Offset label leds to setup-confusion and needs another Label added to clarify.
#1454 opened by FlailAway - 0
- 0
Hide queue when empty
#1455 opened by AndreKR - 4
Default "Camera Url Stream" is not user-friendly for WebRTC (camera-streamer).
#1453 opened by zhou13 - 0
In-Browser Audio Notifcation on Pause/Filament Runout
#1449 opened by ViperWorx - 2
Print history has inaccurate “print duration” and “used filament” when using T1
#1447 opened by Dycus - 0
Put progress bar in the folded up version of print status
#1432 opened by h3rb - 4
Show remaining length from Spoolman
#1442 opened by AndreKR - 0
Hide thermal items in "Thermals"
#1440 opened by jontek2 - 4
Just improvements
#1439 opened by yw4z - 1
- 0
xAxis label orientation to vertical
#1437 opened by kgsrirama - 1
Probe_calibrate moves X axis instead of z axis.
#1435 opened by namalahideaway - 2
cannot open files
#1434 opened by BETLOG - 9
Spoolman integration erroneously reports missing metadata
#1408 opened by matmen - 13
Login in PC version has invisible symbol
#1421 opened by SlimRG - 1
Please stop using a blocking modal for file download, it's a horrible design feature
#1430 opened by h3rb - 1
- 2
Camera-Streamer as option for crowsnest
#1429 opened by fabiandj64 - 5
Add bulk job delete to web UI
#1426 opened by MohnJadden - 0
Macro Category custom ordering
#1422 opened by Nighthawk3D - 4
How to add Authenticator for fuidd.
#1419 opened by SlimRG - 2
Scales and the Image
#1420 opened by andora1968 - 2
Fail after update
#1412 opened by yuranikspb - 0
Add support for WebRTC (MediaMTX)
#1407 opened by Tech-Gamer - 0