
Hack github commit bar

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GithubChartHack is a quick hack for customize your github chart activity. It simulate 0-10 commit(s) every day and uses the GIT_AUTHOR_DATE and GIT_COMMITTER_DATE environment variables to make commits in the past.

How to Use

Place index.js in your Git repository. Make sure your remote repository URL is set, and that you have a public SSH key set up. Then run the script with node, with an integer specifying n number of days before today to generate commits for. E.g.,

node index.js <n>

It might take a while to generate all the commits. If githubChatHack stops before it finishes, you can resume where you last left off by specifying a date before today when you want it to resume, like so:

node index.js <n> <date>

n is the remaining days you want to generate commits for, and date is a date string in the form yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2013-04-05).

An Example

The following calendar is the result of running node index.js 365:

example image

The run took a total of eight hours. Beautiful, isn't it?

Enjoy your decorated calendar!


GithubChartHack is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3).