
Util functions for SAF (Storage Access Framework)

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


pub package

Util functions for SAF (Storage Access Framework). Note that this package doesn't provide any read / write functions (go to saf_stream for that).


class SafUtil {
  /// Shows a folder picker dialog and returns the selected folder as [SafDocumentFile].
  /// [initialUri] is the initial URI to show in the dialog.
  /// [writePermission] is true if the folder should have write permission.
  /// [persistablePermission] is true if the permission should be persistable.
  Future<SafDocumentFile?> pickDirectory(
      {String? initialUri,
      bool? writePermission,
      bool? persistablePermission});

  /// Shows a file picker dialog and returns the selected file [SafDocumentFile].
  /// This calls [pickFiles] with [multiple] set to false.
  /// [initialUri] is the initial URI to show in the dialog.
  /// [mimeTypes] is a list of MIME types to filter the files.
  Future<SafDocumentFile?> pickFile({
    String? initialUri,
    List<String>? mimeTypes,

  /// Shows a file picker dialog and returns a list of selected file [SafDocumentFile].
  /// [initialUri] is the initial URI to show in the dialog.
  /// [mimeTypes] is a list of MIME types to filter the files.
  /// [multiple] is true if multiple files can be selected.
  Future<List<SafDocumentFile>?> pickFiles({
    String? initialUri,
    List<String>? mimeTypes,
    multiple = true,

  /// Lists the contents of the specified directory URI.
  /// Returns a list of [SafDocumentFile] objects.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the directory.
  Future<List<SafDocumentFile>> list(String uri);

  /// Gets a [SafDocumentFile] object from the specified URI.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [isDir] is true if the URI is a directory.
  Future<SafDocumentFile?> documentFileFromUri(String uri, bool isDir);

  /// Checks if the specified file or directory exists.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [isDir] is true if the URI is a directory.
  Future<bool> exists(String uri, bool isDir);

  /// Deletes the specified file or directory.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [isDir] is true if the URI is a directory.
  Future<void> delete(String uri, bool isDir);

  /// Creates a directory and all its parent directories.
  /// Returns the created directory as a [SafDocumentFile] object.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the directory to create.
  /// [names] is a list of directory names to create.
  Future<SafDocumentFile> mkdirp(String uri, List<String> names);

  /// Gets the child file or directory with the specified name.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the parent directory.
  /// [names] is a list of directory names to traverse.
  Future<SafDocumentFile?> child(String uri, List<String> names);

  /// Renames the specified file or directory.
  /// Returns the renamed file or directory as a [SafDocumentFile] object.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [isDir] is true if the URI is a directory.
  /// [newName] is the new name of the file or directory.
  Future<SafDocumentFile> rename(String uri, bool isDir, String newName);

  /// Moves the specified file or directory to a new parent directory.
  /// Returns the moved file or directory as a [SafDocumentFile] object.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [parentUri] is the URI of the current parent directory.
  /// [newParentUri] is the URI of the new parent directory.
  Future<SafDocumentFile> moveTo(
      String uri, bool isDir, String parentUri, String newParentUri);

  /// Copies the specified file or directory to a new parent directory.
  /// Returns the copied file or directory as a [SafDocumentFile] object.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the file or directory.
  /// [newParentUri] is the URI of the new parent directory.
  Future<SafDocumentFile> copyTo(String uri, bool isDir, String newParentUri);

  /// Saves the thumbnail of the specified document [uri] to a local file [destPath].
  /// Image and video thumbnails are supported.
  /// Returns true if the thumbnail is saved successfully, or false if no
  /// thumbnail found in the document.
  /// [uri] is the URI of the document.
  /// [destPath] is the destination file path to save the thumbnail.
  /// [width] is the max width of the thumbnail.
  /// [height] is the max height of the thumbnail.
  /// [format] is the format of the thumbnail file, default is 'jpeg'.
  /// Supported formats are 'jpeg' and 'png'.
  /// [quality] is the quality of the thumbnail file,
  /// defaults to 80 for 'jpeg' and 100 for 'png'.
  Future<bool> saveThumbnailToFile({
    required String uri,
    required int width,
    required int height,
    required String destPath,
    String? format,
    int? quality,