- 0
#7979 opened by coderxiaotu - 0
Cannot connect to Android simulator
#7978 opened by davoutuk - 2
Device selector does not support default Light theme
#7972 opened by lukef - 3
IntelliJ freezes
#7968 opened by mossmana - 0
#7973 opened by Zephir-star - 0
IntelliJ encountered an issue and displayed an error tooltip when starting the unit test.
#7976 opened by markoctbtl - 0
Not seeing the "Flutter" option when I right-click the android folder in my Flutter project in Android Studio Meerkat 2024.3.1
#7975 opened by vividcodecreative - 0
Error while running the FlutterTestRunner
#7974 opened by MarcelGalster - 0
- 0
- 2
Support Java 21 on CI
#7966 opened by mossmana - 0
Running the app
#7945 opened by xavier-yls - 0
Add '' non-conditional dependency for IntelliJ 2025.1
#7965 opened by mossmana - 1
IntelliJ No working when open the project and select the project in Finder(Mac)
#7962 opened by jaeyunkim-1024 - 1
Flutter Dev Tools causes crash of Android Studio
#7954 opened by skiunke - 0
Remove references to Java 8 from build
#7967 opened by mossmana - 0
- 1
to jetbrains
#7901 opened by divYanshSonI53 - 0
[Infra] Compress the repository
#7961 opened by AlexV525 - 4 guide feedback
#7911 opened by kenzieschmoll - 0
- 0
[Flutter Property Editor] Add Property Editor side panel
#7957 opened by elliette - 0
[Feature request] Installing flutter sdk from android studio or IntelliJ idea
#7956 opened by dhombios - 1
- 1
- 3
Flutter SDK path not being saved in Android Studio.
#7909 opened by D4nt4lion - 2
DIsabled Build App Bundle(s) / APK(s)
#7908 opened by jnunez-proinsa - 0
#7953 opened by Kavishka-Rajapaksha - 0
IDE Error on Android Studio startup
#7951 opened by stitchedshop - 0
Making Android dependencies optional
#7947 opened by itviewer - 0
- 2
- 0
Android Studio fails to find multiline test name
#7940 opened by CptJodocus - 0
error in ide
#7939 opened by aliKadon - 0
- 0
Can not get rid of main.dart run configuration
#7935 opened by apm-mike-klimek - 0
black screen error
#7934 opened by Cipher-Void - 0
Tool window refresh button is missing a tooltip
#7895 opened by kenzieschmoll - 0
- 0
Bug when opening the search window (double shift) after opening the intelliJ Idea
#7910 opened by Tim-is-coding - 0
- 0
Error: type 'ConstructorMember' is not a subtype of type 'ConstructorFragment' in type cast
#7906 opened by filiph - 0
Flutter and Android Studio, Project structure: "Add Android SDK from disk" not working
#7903 opened by andrea-pasqualini - 0
- 0
IDE error when trying to run test on Dart application
#7899 opened by FalconD - 0
Error getting Flutter sdk information.
#7898 opened by nqadri - 0
Exception message when starting app on emulator
#7897 opened by agaeki - 0
Java is throwing an exception when trying to send a theme changed event.
#7896 opened by ImadBouirmane - 0
Running a Dart / Flutter app does not upgrade DevTools tool windows to "connected" experience
#7894 opened by kenzieschmoll - 2
DevTools windows aren't resized properly
#7893 opened by kenzieschmoll