
A loan management App

This App is used to borrow and lend loans

Note: The App may take time to open due to some initialization happening at the backend.

Demo video below


This App has only been tested on Android and not IOS.

Flutter Version Used : 2.10.6


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  • Login and Signup Screen
  • Dahboard Screen
  • Recommended Loans Screen
  • Personal Loans Screen
  • Home Loans Screen
  • Add Loan Screen
  • Requested Loans Screen
  • My added Loans Screen
  • Loan Application Screen(Loan details, Adding credential, Loan verification Screens)
  • Loan application completion screen


  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Firestore (Sorting, Filtering, Deletion, Posting data, Getting data)
  • Firebase storage
  • Provider state management


  • I will be adding firebase cloud messaging(Push notifications) and also firebase funtions service to automate sending of messages when user has applied for loan and when the lender and approved the loan