extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc.
Pinned issues
- 1
[Bug report] 删除@消息之前的文本,输入中文后,发现光标位置不对
#238 opened by DongXuanLei - 5
[Bug report] 当输入自定义格式,把光标移动到到自定义格式之前,然后输入拼音文本,确认后光标位置就不对了,这时候点击删除键,删除的文本就不对了,自定义格式就破坏了
#255 opened by GodCai - 7
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[Bug report] ctrl+v可以粘贴文本,但是右键点击粘贴不起作用。demo同样的问题
#250 opened by jhhnjhhn - 0
[How to use] In Windows development, pressing the up and down arrow keys also causes the cursor to move left or right. Where in the source code can this listener be modified?
#253 opened by hana1234587 - 1
#252 opened by OICQ469 - 1
#251 opened by OICQ469 - 2
[Bug report] extende_text_field图文混合输入中,当输入框中只有图片时,添加换行符“\n”后,下一行行高会是“图片元素”的高度,输入一个字后,行高会缩小为“文字字号”高度,用户看到会行高闪烁问题
#240 opened by ChanKen - 1
[Bug report] 阻止系统键盘IOS兼容问题
#249 opened by xingyuemitu - 1
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[Bug report] 3.24.0
#243 opened by Echo-BraveShine - 1
[Bug report] 3.24.0 error
#246 opened by Aquarius-M - 1
#241 opened by zhangqiang180227 - 1
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当我输入表情后,切换到普通文本输入,如果输入的是拼音 则报错
#237 opened by Echo-BraveShine - 3
[Bug report] 3.22 Build throws error
#235 opened by ebala96 - 1
Integrate with new flutter 3.22 version
#236 opened by annd22 - 1
[Discussions] 请问可以获取到光标位置吗
#218 opened by zedmyls - 0
[Bug report] [Demo可复现] 长按输入框会自动选中光标附近的内容
#234 opened by myroid - 10
可否支持桌面端复制粘贴图片到Extend text field
#233 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
[Discussions] 运行demo,进入complex点击表情按钮demo报错,详情见下图
#232 opened by SunBoyXiao - 1
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[Bug report] 升級至v12.1.0之後, BackgroundTextSpan 的參數 text 長度若比 actualText 短, 在輸入完特殊字串後再繼續輸入, 輸入欄會被拉回最前面
#224 opened by abbie0216 - 4
[Bug report] 自动换行时,不能滚动完全显示新的一行
#226 opened by wpfchina - 5
[Discussions] Flutter 3.16.0
#229 opened by ChanNagihong - 1
[Discussions] copy SpecialTextSpan
#227 opened by HuangZiquan - 3
[Bug report] iOS17, 键盘切换 crash
#225 opened by zhoupeiyu - 0
[Discussions] ChatGPT Vision Like input
#228 opened by lucasjinreal - 7
[Bug report] '!composingRange.isValid || composingRange.isCollapsed': is not true
#200 opened by Geparder - 1
TextInputType.text 时,IOS设备 默认是英文键盘,并且无法切换成拼音输入法
#223 opened by githubZpp - 6
[Bug report] error in flutter 3.13.0 `Error: Type 'CaretChangedHandler' not found.`
#221 opened by mdddj - 1
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how to manual delete text with code for emoji
#220 opened by zmtzawqlp - 1
#217 opened by hrxiang - 3
[Bug report] 单纯@某人的时候 点击输入框无法弹出键盘
#214 opened by mnock - 1
#216 opened by 1124863805 - 3
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macos 左右按键获取光标位置不正确
#210 opened by sevenkkk - 1
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#202 opened by SeongBrave - 1
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[Bug report] 图片表情光标无法居中,如果后面追加文字又正常,然后删除到图片位置又出现
#208 opened by 1124863805 - 4
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[Bug report] 复制文本时获取到actualText,而非显示的text
#201 opened by liulianshanzhu