A widget for observing data related to the child widgets being displayed in a ScrollView. Maintainer: @LinXunFeng
Pinned issues
- 4
[How to use] reverse的listview中item可以展开折叠,即item的高度发生了变化,如何利用standby()保持列表位置呢?
#103 opened by sweatfryash - 5
[Bug report] Scroll jumps when removing item after calling standby(isRemove: true)
#102 opened by dalobstah - 1
- 1
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#99 opened by lzc1022 - 1
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[Discussions] Application performance issue when using scrollview_observer library
#98 opened by ducky-z - 0
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- 1
[How to use] 请问:在倒排消息reverse为true的情况下,jump到index会将index的内容显示在最下方,有没有办法将index对应的消息在jump后展示在最上方
#94 opened by yuemenglong - 1
- 8
[How to use] Update shrinkWrap state of ChatScrollObserver after initially fetching list data
#92 opened by nikita488 - 1
[Feature request] 如何无动画默认跳到指定位置
#89 opened by peng093 - 1
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#84 opened by cjl84914 - 4
[Discussions] Selection Text
#86 opened by dath7 - 3
#85 opened by CookerMa - 2
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[Feature request] Can SliverObserverController be used with ChatScrollObserver?
#81 opened by thaidmfinnick - 3
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[Bug report] jumpTo is too slow
#79 opened by IWantToKnowAboutThis - 6
[Bug report]
#78 opened by villainlin0321 - 6
#73 opened by yangqiuyan - 1
[How to use] Bug in example
#77 opened by geghamh2 - 1
[Discussions] Is it possible with this package to use InfiniteListViewPage with dynamic offset?
#76 opened by vergaraSC - 1
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[Bug report] onObserve回调,监听数据不全
#70 opened by chensimin920511 - 3
[Bug report] 无法滚动到指定下标位置
#74 opened by feimenggo - 1
[Discussions] 使用SliverViewObserver监听CustomScrollView之后,onObserveAll回调数据是空的,求解!
#72 opened by leaf369369 - 3
#71 opened by yyong37 - 11
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[How to use] 首次进入页面,onObserveAll没有回调
#68 opened by wangxp423 - 2
[Bug report]
#67 opened by YueLiXing - 4
[Discussions] ChatObserverClampingScrollPhysics 通过偏移量更新列表位置在列表中出现很长的 item 时会跳动
#66 opened by Albert556 - 4
#64 opened by yzxh24 - 6
How to set duration for initial index
#65 opened by shahmirzali49 - 2
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[Feature request] 调用 observerController.animateTo 方法如何不触发 onObserveViewport?
#61 opened by Shader-Killer - 4
[How to use] 实现类似微信的列表滚动效果
#58 opened by ColaQian - 0
- 2
padding in CustomScrollView
#57 opened by shahmirzali49 - 5
[Bug report]
#56 opened by shahmirzali49 - 2
[Feature request]
#55 opened by shahmirzali49 - 1
是否支持flutter_staggered_grid_view 第三方库
#54 opened by cw0925 - 6
#53 opened by mdddj - 2
大佬, list里面的item组件高度变化后,跳转会有偏移
#51 opened by mdddj